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The Innovation Booster – Databooster created a community fostering an open innovation culture, where key players in data-based value creation collaborated to develop innovation ideas and explore new business areas and approaches. This initiative provided Swiss companies with a decisive competitive advantage and contributed significant value to the Swiss economy and society. While the program has now concluded (2021-2024), its impact continues to resonate in the innovations and partnerships it helped shape.

Databooster Finale

Databooster Initiative

Agroscope-Identitas Databooster Journey

Circular Solutions Databooster Journey

DIGA Manager Databooster Journey

Cropled Databooster Journey

Innovation Workshop at MFT

  • The Databooster kickstarted the ‘Swiss AI Monitor’ initiative with initial funding through a Shaping Workshop. This allowed us to bring together a multitude of experts, enabling the creation of a clear trajectory for the project, with promising implications for both the Swiss industry and academic landscape. We are truly excited to expand this initiative and look forward to maintaining close collaboration with Innosuisse. Many thanks!”

    – David Finken, ETH Zürich

  • REGDATA’s existing data protection platform is designed to protect confidential data. However, this platform faces limitations when it comes to protecting sensitive information within unstructured data.

    Our project leverages cutting-edge Named Entity Recognition (NER) technology to automatically detect sensitive information within unstructured data. This enables the secure transmission of protected data to Large Language Models (LLMs) and cloud databases.”

    – Nicolas Prince, RegData

  • The Databooster program helped us secure key industrial partners by rapidly identifying and facilitating meaningful connections between academic and industrial partners. Their streamlined application and selection process, combined with seamless support from start to finish, made the experience effortless.

    The workshop supported by the Databooster enabled us to refine our project idea and get a deeper understanding of various stakeholder needs, which proved crucial in crystallizing our project’s direction.

    Thanks to Databooster, we are now confident in pursuing our idea further in an innovation project.”

    – Eleonora Viganò, University of Zurich

  • “The support from Databooster was instrumental in successfully shaping the business case with Kantonsspital Luzern. The partners involved enabled a clear quantification of benefits and identification of scaling potentials. The straightforward and prompt assistance from Databooster/Innosuisse was particularly impressive, always professional and focused.”

    – Armin Ribis, digitell GmbH

  • “The Databooster program provided an exceptional opportunity to explore the integration of large language models (LLMs) with our mobile robot, Lio, in healthcare facilities. This support enabled us to evaluate innovative use cases that enhance the spontaneity and efficiency of nurse-robot interactions. By connecting industry and research, the program fostered a valuable collaboration with Idiap, enabling us to bring cutting-edge technology into practical applications. We are excited to build on these insights and continue advancing innovation in healthcare robotics.”

    – Yinyi Liu, F&P Robotics AG

  • “Databooster hat uns die Möglichkeit gegeben, unser Bahnbaustellen-Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt gezielt voranzutreiben. Besonders wertvoll war die Struktur, die uns half, aus unseren bestehenden Netzwerken die richtigen Akteure zusammenzubringen und den Grundstein für innovative Ansätze im Bereich nachhaltiger Infrastrukturprojekte zu legen. Diese Unterstützung war entscheidend, um unsere Ideen in die nächste Entwicklungsphase zu bringen.”

    – Marcel Nolte, Rhomberg Sersa Rail AG

  • The Databooster supported a throughout evaluation of selected use cases on AI- and data-driven enhancements for our primary and secondary school teaching materials. Our partners’ extensive theoretical and practical insights in areas such as didactics, technology, business development, ethics and law are crucial for a better understanding of the expected changes in the future of education.”

    – Marco Soldati, Lehrmittelverlag Zürich LMVZ

  • “The Databooster gave us a substantial boost to explore a new ecosystem service model. I believe that one of the reasons why we have received such overwhelming support by the potential ecosystem partners is that this project was carried out by HSLU as an independent entity. This gave us extra credibility and trust, including the promise to share the findings with these partners. We concluded to continue to pursue our idea, including to apply for an innovation project.”

    – Wolfram Willuhn, Plutinsus

  • “The Shaping Workshop was a resounding success, a vital step in our path toward applying for an Innosuisse innovation project. Feedback from all project partners confirmed its success, fostering discussions and generating innovative ideas for a digital tool focused on outcome-oriented compliance KPIs. This success fills us with confidence and optimism for the project’s future. The Databooster’s funding decision process was impressively quick, with the committee asking insightful questions. As a result of the Shaping Workshop, all partners are excited, deeply engaged, and committed to advancing this innovation concept.”

    – Stefan Hunziker, Lucerne School of Business

  • “Das Databooster-Programm hat uns entscheidend dabei unterstützt, unseren Prototypen auf die nächste Entwicklungsstufe zu heben. Das Team war jederzeit für uns da, hat uns mit wertvollen Ratschlägen unterstützt und stand uns bei allen Fragen immer hilfsbereit zur Seite. Die Expertise und Freundlichkeit des Databooster-Teams haben uns nicht nur fachlich, sondern auch menschlich beeindruckt. Wir sind dankbar für die erhaltene Unterstützung und die Zusammenarbeit und freuen uns darauf, uns für die nächste Stufe des Databooster-Programm zu bewerben!”

    – Angelica De Riggi, AI Tails

  • “The Databooster program played a pivotal role in helping us validate our requirements and recognize that data and AI would be the cornerstone of our business. With the right AI strategy, we realized that we could deliver the most value to our users. We’re excited to continue building on this foundation and apply the models we’ve defined.”

    – Polina Veltmann, Smilamind

  • “Participating in the Data Booster’s In-GeoForge project was a valuable experience for Ageospatial. The program’s support and collaboration opportunities helped us validate our idea of making geospatial data analysis accessible through natural language. It helped us to look into complex geospatial challenges in both the public and private sectors. The experience improved our proof of concept but also opened doors to new partnerships and market opportunities.”

    – Maaz Sheikh, Ageospatial

  • “We could not have validated our project idea and user needs without the support of IB Databooster. The shaping workshop was incredibly valuable, enabling us to effectively map out our product roadmap and achieve significant progress. We are now focused on continuing to develop our product and deliver useful tools.”

    – Iman El Telt, Slowlution

  • “We sincerely thank Databooster for their invaluable support that was crucial in the early stages of our development.

    The initial grant allowed us to organize a pivotal workshop with key industrial representatives, validating our business idea and ensuring alignment with market needs. The feedback was indispensable in refining our approach. Continued support enabled us to conduct a comprehensive feasibility study with Swiss Academia, proving the viability of our solution and providing technical validation.

    Databoosters’s support has significantly accelerated our journey from concept to a validated business proposition. This experience has empowered us to bring our innovative technology to market.”

    – Indiana Valerian, ANTS

  • “At Kistler Instrumente AG, we continuously seek innovation to enhance our products and offer cutting-edge solutions to our customers. Thanks to the Databooster support, we partnered with EPFL to explore cutting-edge methods for bridge damage detection. This funding opportunity has been instrumental in advancing our technology for safer and more reliable structural health monitoring.”

    – Giulia Aguzzi, Kistler Instrumente AG

  • “As seasoned professionals leave the workforce, the risk of losing valuable tacit experience “Silent Knowledge” looms large. Yet, collecting this tacit knowledge holds immense potential for future growth and success, both on individual and organizational levels. edisconet is developing a platform that utilizes advanced AI techniques, such as scripted interviews transforming spoken knowledge into a usable format stored within databases. The Silent Knowledge project seeks to seamlessly convert tacit expert knowledge into new learnings, at the same time optimizing the training process for newcomers. Initially supported by Databooster, we collaborate with the University of Florence and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.”

    – Dirk Zimanky, edisconet

  • Dank dem Data Booster konnten wir sehr spannende Insights generieren und das Projekt vorantreiben. Zusammen mit unseren Partnern war es uns möglich, Unsicherheiten zu minimieren und technische Fokus Points zu identifizieren. Weiter sind während dieser Entwicklungsphase einige eventuell patentfähige Ideen aufgekommen. Die Projektpartner sehen somit einmal mehr das Potential und wollen das Projekt vorantreiben. Wie und in welcher Form muss nun definiert werden.

    – Jonas Schmid, Radiate Engineering & Design AG

  • Collaborating with Databooster has been a transformative experience. Their support enabled us to challenge conventional approaches and innovate in data management and sharing, bringing significant advancements in our field. The process was streamlined and efficient, ensuring that our focus remained on innovation and implementation. Databooster’s commitment to fostering groundbreaking ideas has been invaluable to our success.

    – Dominique Henri, Thinkgate AG

  • Dank des DataBoosters konnte unser Start-up schnell und unbürokratisch zwei Ideen testen – eine inkrementelle und eine radikale. Der DataBooster half im einen Projekt Vertrauen in die Machbarkeit eines Produkts zu gewinnen, Risiken zu verringern und somit aus eigener Kraft die Lösung zu entwickeln. Bei der anderen Idee konnten wir den Fokus schärfen und am Ende die Richtung der Idee nochmal anpassen.

    – Philip van Hövell, Rewoso AG

  • Die Unterstützung durch den Databooster war für uns sehr hilfreich, da wir aus dem umfangreichen Partnernetzwerk wertvollen Input zur Schärfung und Umsetzung unseres Prototypen erhalten haben. Der unbürokratische und schnelle Austausch hat uns die Zusammenarbeit erleichtert, weshalb wir sicher wieder auf das Instrument zurückgreifen werden.

    – Maximilian Vomhof,

  • I am very thankful to DataBooster for their help in funding my idea and helping me to get project partners to work with. The application and selection processes were really easy. The DataBooster team is really friendly and uncomplicated. I would love to work with them again in the future.

    – Huseyn Gasimov, Intelec AI

  • “You have an idea for a high risk/high gain innovation? Where do you go to get some initial funding for testing your idea?
    I made great experiences with the Databooster: The application process was lean; the decision was fast (I could start within a week); the reviewer team is open minded and asked clever question that helped and inspired me. By all means, I can recommend the Databooster.”

    – Winfried Schlee, OST

  • “Die Zusammenarbeit mit der Data Innovation Alliance war für Trafag sehr wertvoll. Dank der engagierten Beratung und Unterstützung konnten wir sehr schnell Ideen entwickeln, wie wir AI-Technologien effektiv in unseren Produkten und Geschäftsprozessen einsetzen können. Auch bei der Weiterentwicklung der Ideen können wir auf das grosse Netzwerk und die Unterstützung der Data Innovation Alliance zurückgreifen.”

    – Michael Börsch, Trafag AG

  • “So geht Innovationsförderung – dank des DataBoosters konnten wir unbürokratisch und schnell die professionelle Unterstützung der Berner Fachhochschule im Rahmen der Ideation für ein neues datenbasierten Geschäftsmodells finanzieren.
    Die Outcomes waren absolut gewinnbringend für uns.”

    – Michael Grysczyk, Meraxis AG

  • “We at Carity are highly appreciative of databooster’s support enabling us to organize 2 workshops with strong experts in our field of cardiac rehabilitation. We were able to gather further important information and data, extend our network and define additional requirements and innovation points for our product. Working with databooster is very easy and convenient, funding decisions are coming fast, requirements are well explained and the overall process is simple and straight forward, exactly what innovative Startups need!”

    – Aliaksei Tsitovich, Carity

  • “Thanks to the Databooster’s simple and agile process and to their professional advisors, we very rapidly teamed up with motivated and polyvalent research partners to accelerate the shaping of our innovation idea and elaborate our project proposal.”

    – Chantal Ebel, Digital Innovation Partner

  • “Der Datanbooster hat uns geholfen schnell und effizient Research Partner in der Schweiz zu finden. Wofür wir selber sehr lange gebraucht hätten, geht mit dem super Netzwerk vom DataBooster in kürzester Zeit! Dazu kommt noch die finanzielle Unterstützung, die für ein Jungunternehmen sehr hilfreich ist. Diese Kombination ist einzigartig..”

    Marten Strotkoetter, Fireflai

  • “Insbesondere die erste Phase (Suche nach möglichen Partnern) hat uns sehr geholfen. Wir haben dank der Unterstützung von Melanie Geiger einen sehr kompetenten Partner gefunden, den wir ohne den Booster nicht auf dem Radar gehabt hätten. Schon diese Tatsache war uns eine grosse Hilfe, denn mit richtigen Partnern kann man viel bewegen.”

    – Eckard Deichsel, Bystronic

  • “Die Kombination der Projektpartner – Datenanalysten, Experten im Businessmodelling und Praxiserfahrung aus der Wirtschaft – war für uns perfekt. Der Design Thinking Workshop hat uns enorm weitergebracht. Durch die erste Datenanalyse im Deep Dive haben wir ein klares Bild darüber erhalten, wo die Schwierigkeiten liegen und welche Kriterien berücksichtigt werden müssen, damit ein erstes Projekt gestartet werden kann. Die rasche Klarheit schätzen wir sehr.

    – Ariuscha Davatz, SSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler
  • “When venturing to solve a problem affecting numerous domains, the ability to engage with expert opinions and understand the needs of each stakeholder is imperative. The Databooster allowed us to have the necessary topic exchanges thanks to rich and instructive workshops, moderated by experts who knew how to guide us to ask the right questions. Thanks to the Databooster, the direction that our project should take has crystallized, and we have established indispensable contacts for the future.”

    – Roxane Pott, Swiss Territorial Data Lab

  • Der Databooster hat CitizenTalk sehr dabei geholfen, schnell und zuverlässig die richtigen Partner zu finden. Wir haben mit unseren Partnern, den beiden Fachhochschulen ZHAW und OST , bereits erfolgreich einen Innocheck durchgeführt und planen ein gemeinsames Innosuisse-Projekt “Beyond Public Management – E-Partizipation auf Basis kollektiver Intelligenz” mit Start im Januar 2022. “

    – Andreas P. Seonbuchner, CitizenTalk

  • “Ein spannender Design Thinking Workshop, an dem wir zusammen mit kompetenten Partnern innovative Entwicklungen identifiziert haben. Wir haben sehr gute und spannende Inputs sowie ganz neue Blickwinkel erhalten!”

    – Laurent Szymkowiak, Pax

  • “Doing research in isolation has typically low impact in real life. The Databooster is an excellent opportunity to find companies for applying state-of-the-art research to solve relevant real-world problems and thus generate positive impact to our society.”

    – Kurt Stockinger, ZHAW

  • “The Databooster was the perfect fit for our specific needs. Thanks to it we were able to efficiently find the right academic partner for an Innosuisse project. Ultimately, we applied and won the Innosuisse grant! We wish we knew Databooster before.”

    – Aldo Lamberti, Syntheticus

  • “I started the collaboration with Databooster with a Call for Participation to identify academic and industrial partners for our data innovation project. In a very short time, they have identified very good connections. The Databooster shaping workshop permitted to DNEXT to improve the understanding of the viability and feasibility of our product.”

    – Sami Jaballah, DNEXT

  • “Ich kenne den Databooster seit Beginn und habe einen eigenen Call for Participation eingereicht. Der Databooster-Prozess hat mir geholfen, eine Idee mit verschiedenen Leuten zu diskutieren und so zur Reife zu bringen.”

    – Nicolas Lenz, Litix