10th Industrieforum 2025
By Patricia Deflorin and Reik Leiterer, databooster, Photos by Industrie 2025
Mastering current challenges with foresight

On the 9th of May, the 10th edition of the “Industrieforum 2025” by Industrie 2025 focused on challenges and solutions related to digital transformation and innovation in the industry sector. Adam Gontarz, President of Industrie 2025, opened the event (btw fantastically moderated) with a look back at 10 years of the Industrieforum and why the topics of that time are still highly relevant today.
One of the program highlights was already reached with the keynote by Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, several years head of science at NASA. In a convincing manner, he got to the heart of the drivers of innovation without forgetting to discuss the related challenges from different perspectives. With his personal lessons learned and a 500-year-old quote by H. Cortez (1519), which is remarkable in its actuality regarding disruptive innovation, he gives an extremely inspiring start to the day:
“To lead change, be willing to burn your ships in the harbour.”

From our perspective as a network for data innovation and data-driven value creation, the subsequent presentations offered an exciting insight into the increasing importance of data and the associated fields of application in industry/manufacturing. Johann Hoffman from MR Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, for example, highlighted the need for data governance, without which Industry 4.0 cannot be successfully implemented. From cybersecurity and digital, economically sustainable services in mechanical engineering to the concept of meta factory and the use of AI – the data reference was strongly present in almost all presentations. That’s why the databooster program exists – to encourage the development of innovative ideas in this area!

On the exhibitor side, there were exciting players in the data field to discover. CLUE Security Service AG, for example, presented operational approaches for early detection of IT threats and the protection against attacks – both for critical local infrastructure and for web-based infrastructure. OCTOTRONIC GmbH offers comprehensive solutions in the frame of an Analytics Landscape for process monitoring, data management and planning optimization. And akenza.io supports the manufacturing industry by adding remote monitoring and predictive maintenance capabilities to existing products and equipment based on their low-code IoT platform with visualization and data processing capabilities.
The event convinced with the awesome atmosphere, the very good speakers, open-minded participants interested in exchange and cooperation and a perfect organization. Therefore: we are looking forward to the 11th edition!