8th R&D-Conference in Industry 4.0
By Focus Topic Leads Industry 4.0: Patricia Deflorin, FHGR, Philipp Schmid, CSEM and Philipp Hauri, Industrie 2025
Research meets Industry – from ideas to business cases.
In the knowledge that networking and cooperation with universities is an important success factor for the innovation activities of companies, Industrie 2025 initialized the “R&D Conferences on Industry 4.0”.

In these conferences, you will get an overview of the topics of the near future in an efficient way and get insights what is being researched and developed at universities and universities of applied sciences in the field of Industry 4.0.On the 24th of January, they invited for the 8th R&D Conference on Industry 4.0, which was hosted by HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) in the city of Rotkreuz. After the welcome by Philip Hauri (Industrie 2025) and an inspiring keynote from Stephan Keller (V-Zug, HSLU), 23 university projects linked to emerging topics in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Smart Factory, or Digital Twin were presented.
In this context, Sybille Aeschbacher from Innosuisse presented, how knowledge transfer from universities to industry can be promoted and what tools are available in Switzerland for this purpose – where of course the Innobooster Databooster is part of it. Next to the talks, a poster exhibition gave the participants the opportunity to get in direct contact with the speakers and learn more about the projects presented.
The conference convinced with the knowledge and innovative spirit among the speakers and participants and how the intensive exchange between research and industry was noticeable during the whole time. And in the end, it has once again become clear that rapid technological developments only develop their full potential when the corresponding business cases are in place.