This conference takes place in German language.

Date: 07.11.2019

Place: Fachkongress, Islikon Thurgau

Fachhochschule St Gallen invites you to thier institute’s one-day expert congress on Digital Health on 7 November:

There will be two keynotes and four workshops where the participants – coming from various disciplines – will discuss opportunites, challenges and trends in Digital Health in an interdisciplinary setting. There will also be sufficient time for networking.

The workshop topics are:

WS1: Digitalisierte Pflege zu Hause

WS2: Prävention und Unterstützung von Verhaltensänderung für nachhaltige Gesundheit

WS3: Anonymisierte offene Gesundheitsdaten

WS4: Artificial Intelligence – der Arzt der Zukunft?

The congress is in German, the number of participants is limited, participation is free of charge but requires registration (via the link above).