We kindly remind you that we meet next Thursday at Hotel Spirgarten in Zurich. If you haven’t registered yet we encourage you to do so until Monday evening.

à https://geo7.ch/blog/spatial-data-analytics-expert-group-meeting-3


The main topic is spatial statistics. The program is as follows:


1st. Part: Talks

Prediction of soil properties (Madlene Nussbaum, BFH)

Geostatistical methods with spatially varying coefficients (Jakob Dambon, HSLU)

TopKriging – Interpolation along river networks (Nicolas Lenz, geo7)


2nd Part: Discussion groups


3rd Part: Other activities and ideas in the expert group

Workshop @ Workshoptage (industry testimonial)


> who is interested in participating?


4th Part: Apéro riche