Project Day
The Innovation Booster Databooster is organizing the Project Day, where previously supported innovation teams will present their projects and their developments to companies and interested partners.
13:00 – Registration & Welcome Coffee
13:30 – Databooster project presentations and discussions
- Improving behavior in front of screen using AI, Huseyn Gasimov, Intelec AI
- Multi-sensor welfare-monitoring-system for horses, Miriam Baumgartner, Agroscope
- Silent Knowledge, Dirk Zimanky, Adcura
- Graph Neural Networks for Bridge Structural Health Monitoring, Giulia Aguzzi, Kistler Instrumente
- Topo Helvetica, Iman El Telt, Slowlution
- Use AI to make Switzerland more resilient to climate change, Manuel Kugler, SATW
- Funding Future Data Innovations: Generative AI & Supercomputing in Horizon Europe, Tim Llewellynn, EU Research
15:00 – Break
15:20 – Databooster project presentations and discussions
- SkyScan: Object Detection from Limited Flight Data, ELIX
- BIMtoCPN: innovative tool for simplifying the drafting of buildings’ specifications, MTF, SUPSI
- Graph Neural Networks for Bridge Structural Health Monitoring, Giulia Aguzzi, Kistler Instrumente
- Implementing a chatGPT-type AI-assistant, distributed Hardware for local ML setups, Indiana Valerian, ANTS
- Open Data Value Creation, Michele Bolla, ERNI
- Introduction to IraSME Call for transnational projects, Frank Wolff, Crowdwerk and Innosuisse Mentor
IB Databooster & IB Artificial Intelligence information, Gundula Heinatz Bürki, data innovation alliance
17:00 – Apéro