PUBLIC EVENT: Expert Group Meeting – Smart Maintenance Webinar
Dear Colleagues
We would like to invite you to a special “End of the Year” webinar on Friday 16.12.2022 at 14:30. We are delighted to have Dr. Gabriel Michau as our speaker, telling about his research work titled:
Whispering machines: Deep Learning for viable Condition Based Maintenance
Which was recently published in the highly prestigious journal PNAS. The talk description can be found here: Link.
The Speaker: Dr. Gabriel Michau is leading the development of Data-Driven maintenance solutions at Stadler Service AG, piloting end-to-end data-driven projects, from identifying the sensing technology to the optimisation of the existing maintenance strategies. He specialised in the development of innovative deep learning algorithms for the processing of industrial data as Senior Scientist at the ETH Zürich, in the Chair of Intelligent Maintenance Systems. At the ZHAW, he worked on several innovation projects with industrial partners to develop machine learning solutions to specific problems met by the industries. Gabriel holds a joint PhD between the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, in Physics, specialised in convex optimisation and the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, in Traffic Engineering.
You can use the following link to join the webinar: Microsoft Teams Meeting
We hope to see you all there!
Best Regards
Maik, Manuel, Thomas and Lilach,
The Smart Maintenance Expert Group.