Workshop “Autonomous Personal Robots in Action”
Location: F&P Robotics AG, Rohrstrasse 36, 8152 Glattbrugg ZH
Registration: Send us a mail at
F&P Robotics is developing products and solutions in the field of professional personal
robotics. Applications are realized in healthcare (mobile assistants for elderly care,
disabled people and rehabilitation centers), gastronomy (bar robotics) and collaborative
Especially for the autonomous robots which serve in the healthcare sector, autonomous,
context related behavior is essential. These systems include a lot of sensorics including 3
cameras, laser sensors and tactile sensors, as well as artificial intelligence for decision
processing and learning.
The workshop is designed to give insight into the complete solution of the autonomous
assistant robot Lio and the collaborative robot arm P-Rob.
The mobile robot Lio includes a collaborative 6 DoF robot arm (P-Rob 3), P-Grip
manipulator, sensor fingers, camera module, mobile platform with multi-modal sensors and
WiFi, soft cover, exchangeable inventory system and docking station for autonomous
The software development package includes standard functions for personal care
assistance, quality of life improvements, transport and manipulation, myP robot control
software for teaching and programming Lio with addons for proactive behavior, calendar
scheduling, navigation, speech synthesis and recognition, generic web-interfaces; Motion
Control Module providing soft and precise low level arm control modes; Integrated ROS
components including navigation with SLAM and collision avoidance, face recognition,
object detection, human pose estimation, Aruco marker detection, monitoring tool for ROS
nodes; behavior script basis with generic intermediate functions and templates for high
level skills; OS system access for Nuc and Jetson, developer access for P-Rob 3; web-
interfaces for developers and users, TCP and ROS interface.
13:30 – 14:00 (Dr. Hansruedi Früh, Managing Director)
Introduction to the fields of a) collaborative robotics and b) care robotics with technical, safety and intended use aspects
14:00 – 14:45 (Rastislav Marko, Software and Lio System Development)
Description of integrated Python scripting language
Programming exercises with the robots via myPⓇ’s browser interface
State machine to improve robustness and structure of control flow
14:45 – 15:15 (Frederik Zwilling, Software Development and Lio Project Management)
Principles of autonomous behavior: context acquisition, planner and decision engine
15:15 – 15:45 (Dr. Justinas Miseikis, Head of AI)
Explanation of the learning principles for voice and face detection, learning by examples and reinforcement learning of manipulation of objects
15:45 – 16:30 (F&P Technical and UX Team)
Live demos of the robots and simulations
16:30 – 17:00 (all)
Move to Baronics AG, Schaffhauserstrasse 437, 8050 Zurich-Oerlikon
17:00 (Daniel Adamec, Jannik von Rickenbach)
We enjoy a drink at the Barney Robot bar
Get some explanations of its functional principles
Discussion and goodbye