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Schlagwort: Member Event

Match-Making Event

We are happy to invite you to our first Match-Making Event: taking place on the afternoon of September 12 at BFH Bern Brueckenstrasse (13:30 – 17:00), the objective is to bring together specific collaboration ideas from Academic and Industrial members, sharpen them in a joint discussion, and find best fits amongst the participating experts for pushing the ideas forward, setting up projects and creating tangible innovation.

The event is set up in the form of a workshop. Every participant will share an innovation idea* for which he/she searches partners within Data+Service:

Academic members can present ideas based on their research results, for finding appropriate application partners for a research project, or for getting useful data from industry to support the research.

For Industrial members, the event is an opportunity to discuss ideas, get feedback or inspiration for solution approaches, and of course to find appropriate project partners among the researchers or experts from other companies.

Basic requirements:

Every participant brings a collaboration idea to the event, provided by a poster or an B1 flipchart.

You get 3 minutes to explain shortly what it is about.

Then we have in smaller groups time for discussion.

As suggestions, show up with two persons for an active Match-Making.

Register via e-mail until 5th September to

* If you want to participate but don’t have an idea of your own, get in touch with Gundula.

Date & Time: 12.09.2018, 13:30 – 17:00

Venue: BFH, Brueckenstrasse 73, Raum P114 (Pavillon 1 Floor)

Use Case Talks Series: Challenges in Time Series Prediction

We enjoy in-depth technical discussions and exchange information about interesting technical challenges among industry, academic and individual members in the Use Case Talks Series of the alliance! In a relaxed atmosphere with about 15 – 30 members of the alliance we will brainstorm about possible pathways towards solutions for the presented challenges. Each speaker presents his or her use case in 25 minutes followed by discussion of about 20 minutes.

The next use case talk will take place
20.04.2018, 17:00 – 20:00

at the premises of our host AWK Group. Please find a map here.

A small apero will be kindly provided by our host and member AWK.

Please register by providing your Name, Email, and Organization by email to by Wednesday, 18.04.2018

We will feature two use case talks:

Use Case 1
Dr. Michel Philipp

Advanced Analytics Solutions for the NOVA Platform

SBB-IT is currently developing a new standardized platform called NOVA (Neue ÖV Anbindung) that provides distribution services to ticket channels of all transportation providers within the Swiss public transport network. In this talk/workshop, we will discuss our ideas for advanced analytics solutions for improved monitoring, alerting and error handling on the NOVA platform.

Use Case 2
Dr. Peter Kauf, Prognosix

Ideas on how to predict rare event time series with potential use of aggregate information.

Prognosix is currently working in various prediction projects, where we are successfully using machine learning methods on e.g. demand in distribution centers, regional harvests, regional road accident risks. But how do we predict time series at a single site, e.g. demand in a small store, harvest at a single producer’s farm or accident risks on a 2km piece of road? These sites are typically exposed to a high amount of randomness, but also to relevant systematic effects. In this use case talk, we would like to discuss approaches and ideas for separating these systematic effects for single site forecasts, potentially making use of aggregate information.

Big Data Leadership


Big Data Leadership


17:00 – 20:00

Lassalle-Haus, Bad Schönbrunn

​Co-organiser – Data Ethics Expert Group, Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services

​Big Data verspricht, die Arbeitswelt zu revolutionieren. Alles soll effizienter, schneller und objektiv messbar werden. Aber wer bestimmt eigentlich darüber, wie die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft aussehen soll? Welche Auswirkungen haben neue technologische Entwicklungen auf Mitarbeitende, Entscheider und Bürger? Und welche Formen von Leadership braucht es, um die digitale Zukunft verantwortungsvoll zu gestalten?


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