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Tag: Public Event

Service Lunch: “Eating, Learning, Networking” – Apple Vision Pro: Potential for Smart Services

Key Speaker

René Vogel
Digital Innovator
Mr. Vision

Participants will receive an access link after registration. See also the flyer for more information.

  • Discover the Apple Vision Pro: find out more about the latest functions and applications of these revolutionary VR glasses.
  • Diverse application examples: Experience practical applications and discover the many possible uses of VR in different areas.
  • Hands-on experience: participants will have the opportunity to try out the Apple Vision Pro for themselves.
  • Experience reports and exchange: Take the opportunity to exchange ideas with Apple Vision Pro expert René Vogel and benefit from his experience.

Workshop on the Initiative PIVOT: Political Insights & Views Over Time

PIVOT: Political Insights & Views Over Time is a new research initiative that aims to track the evolution of political opinions and public stances over time. 

In this context, we are seeking collaborators who bring diverse perspectives from both academic and industry backgrounds and are interested in participating in a half-day workshop. This event will serve as a collaborative platform to better understand the needs and expectations of all involved parties, and align our project goals with these.

What is PIVOT?

The initiative PIVOT is designed to analyze and map out the shifts in the opinions of politicians and public figures, offering insights into why and how their positions on key issues evolve over time. With the power of modern AI methodologies, most notably Large Language Models, and access to comprehensive datasets (SwissdoxCuria Vista etc.), we are equipped to track and interpret long-term opinion shifts across different domains and formats, including PDFs, speeches, and public statements.

Why This Project Matters:

  1. Fighting Fake News: In today’s fast-paced digital world, misinformation can spread faster than facts. Political statements are often taken out of context, which can fuel fake news and disinformation. By analyzing long-term trends in political stances, PIVOT offers a more accurate, contextualized view of politicians’ opinions over time, helping both the public and media outlets verify the authenticity of statements and counteract misinformation.
  2. Democracy at Stake?: With democracy being challenged globally, understanding political accountability is more crucial than ever. The project aims to create transparency around political shifts, allowing voters, policymakers, and industry leaders to track how politicians’ views evolve over time, beyond the typical 4-5 year election cycles.
  3. Long-Term Political Analysis: Politicians often focus on short-term outcomes, usually up to the next election cycle. PIVOT, however, takes a broader view. By using longitudinal data analysis, we aim to uncover patterns of opinion changes over years or even decades and explore the key events or influences that drive these changes.
  4. Public Relations & Media: For media companies or public relations teams, PIVOT’s analysis offers valuable insights into how politicians’ public stances align with or deviate from historical positions. This can be leveraged to craft informed messaging, fact-check statements, and anticipate future shifts.
  5. Risk Management & Consulting: Political shifts often influence business strategies, regulatory frameworks,and market stability. Partnering on this project could offer data-driven insights for businesses seeking to navigate evolving political landscapes, particularly for industries like energy, finance, or healthcare.

Meet Fellow Experts

By joining PIVOT, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with leading experts in political sciencedata analytics, and AI. Together, we aim to generate actionable insights that can benefit not only academia but also industries that rely on understanding political riskpublic sentiment, and long-term policy trends.

Next steps

To bring PIVOT to life, we will conduct the first half-day workshop that will take place on November 25th 2024 in Bern.

We aim to gather a diverse group of potential partners from academia, industry, media, and other relevant sectors to discuss the project’s concept in detail, exchange ideas, and explore how different organizations can contribute their expertise and resources. The workshop will help us refine the objectives and identify key areas of research where collaboration is essential. Additionally, it will provide an opportunity for participants to network and connect with others working in areas such as political data analysismedia fact-checking, and longitudinal political insights.

During the workshop we will also elaborate the next steps for continuing and supporting PIVOT as a long-term project.

What we need from you

If you are interested in the project and would like to take part in the mentioned workshop, please fill in and send us this feedback and contact Veton Matoshi ( We would like to know about your competencies and experiences relevant for the potential project.

We value every expression of interest and potential contribution to this project. To ensure a productive and focused workshop, we’ll carefully review all submissions and send official invitations to participants whose expertise and experience align closely with the project’s current needs and direction. We appreciate your understanding as we strive to create a balanced and effective collaborative environment for this initial workshop.

If you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

Workshop – From Crowdsourced to Reliable Data: AI Quality Evaluation of OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a valuable crowdsourced alternative to commercial and governmental geospatial data providers, with proven applications e.g. in the environment, tourism and emergency services. However, the lack of quality assessment tools hinders its wider adoption. This workshop aims to address the need for reliable and standardized data quality evaluation in OSM, with a focus on AI-based methods.

Current research prototypes such as ‘OSM Data Completeness’ and ‘ohsome quality analyst’ offer intrinsic solutions for data quality evaluation in specific regions based on user requirements. But there’s potential for improvement in usability and integration of extrinsic approaches.

The workshop will explore how these tools can be developed for production use and identify areas for further research. By discussing data quality evaluation solutions, the workshop aims to enable the establishment of an applied research and development agenda to better evaluate the suitability of OSM data.

The workshop will be held in German and English.

Registration and contact: Mail to

Tage der Technik – Generative AI Use Cases im Smart Service Umfeld

Die Fachveranstaltung bietet einen exklusiven Einblick in einen preisgekrönten Generative AI Use Case, der Echtzeitdaten und Knowledge Management im IoT-Bereich verbindet. Dabei werden Fehlermeldungen und Anlagedaten mit strukturierten und unstrukturierten Firmendaten verknüpft, um so dem Benutzer einen smarten Self-Service zu bieten. Zusätzlich werden weitere innovative Generative AI Use Cases und Anwendungen für Unternehmen vorgestellt.

Referent: Chris Bochsler, Managing Partner Cando Image GmbH

Jürg Meierhofer und Jochen Wulf führen durch die Veranstaltung.

Im Anschluss an die Vorträge offerieren wir den Teilnehmenden ein Sandwich und Getränk. Dazu können Sie sich mit den anderen Gästen und den Referenten austauschen.

Der Eintritt ist frei
Die Plätze sind beschränkt, bitte melden Sie sich für die Veranstaltung an:

Expert Group Meeting – Natural Language Processing in Action: Contextualization

The next expert meeting of the NLP group will be held on 1. October 2024 at the usual location – ZHAW on Lagerstrasse – followed by an Apero at Nüü. This session will focus on the topic of “Contextualization,” featuring the following speakers:

  • Hans Ramsl from Weights and Biases will discuss “Beyond Vibe Checks: Establishing Systematic Evaluation Frameworks for Semantic Contextualization in LLMs”.
  • Tobias Schimanski, PhD candidate at the University of Zurich and affiliated researcher at the University of Oxford, is going to talk about “Challenges and Pathways for Retrieval Augmented Generation” by looking into two of his recent papers.
  • Dietrich Trautmann, AI Engineer and Creator of Assistant Shell, will present on “Context-Driven Development: Exploring the Potential of LLMs in Software Engineering”. Dietrich will explore how leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) can revolutionize software engineering practices, focusing on context-aware development workflows, enhanced code generation, and intelligent error handling.

Join us on October 1st at 17:30 at Lagerstrasse 45, 8004 Zurich, in room ZL O6.16 (6th floor). The presentations will run from 17:30 to 19:00, followed by an Apero downstairs at 19:00.

Online participation is also possible.

Please use the following form to confirm your attendance by September 24

We will send you a calendar invite which also includes online participation details.

maintenance Schweiz 2024

Die Maintenance Schweiz ist die Leitmesse für industrielle Instandhaltung

Vom 28. – 29. August 2024 findet die 16. Ausgabe der maintenance Schweiz in Zürich statt. Die Schweizer Leitmesse für industrielle Instandhaltung ist ein fixer Bestandteil für Alle, die sich mit Anlagenwartung, Ersatzteilen, Smart Maintenance, Arbeitssicherheit und technischen Lösungen auseinandersetzen. Die Messe präsentiert Lösungen und Trends für die gesamte Schweizer Industrie.

Die data innovation alliance und der Databooster werden am smart data forum präsent sein und in mehreren Talks den Nutzen und Anwendung von smart data vorstellen. Die Registrierung ist kostenlos!

Digital Health Lab Day 2024

Dear Digital Health Enthusiasts

The next Digital Health Lab Day will take place on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 at the ZHAW School of Engineering in Winterthur. Join participants from healthcare, IT, management, health experts, startups and research, learn and discuss about recent developments in digital health.

Find more information and the registration on the official website.

Databooster – Finale

Join us for the Databooster Finale as we celebrate the achievements of the four-year Innovation Booster program, which concludes at the end of this year.

For short-term registrations please contact


13:00 – Registration & Welcome Coffee
13:20 – Welcome
13:25 – Keynote Data Science for Public Good, Federal Statistical Office, Kerstin Johansson Baker
13:50 – Databooster Project Presentations and Discussions

  • Digital Mental Care Solution, smilamind, Polina Veltmann
  • DIGA Recommender System for Healthcare Professionals, rewoso, Mel Zürcher
  • AI-Driven Mobile App for Cervical Spine ROM Assessment, Sourceway, Fabio Lambruschi
  • GeoForge – Accessible location intelligence for informed decisions, Ageospatial Sàrl, Maaz Sheikh
  • Turning Archives into Efficient Solutions with AI-powered Maps, Litix, Nicolas Lenz

15:00 – Break
15:30 – Databooster Project Presentations and Discussions

  • AI-based quality control vision system for heterogenous and variable planar surfaces, Artificialy, Joana Kühne
  • AI-based Pipe Inspection with the city of Winterthur, PrecisionFly, Benoît Buchs
  • Rule-based testing of materials and products in BIM models, OST, Martin Beth
  • Scaling Heating System Optimisation Through Stakeholder Collaboration, Plutinsus, Wolfram Willuhn
  • AI Tails, AI Tails, Johannes Löckinger
  • IB Databooster Closing & Outlook 2025, data innovation alliance, Gundula Heinatz Bürki

17:00 – Apéro

Webinar – The role of documents in RAG Applications

Join us for an insightful webinar where we explore how to transform a company’s documents into structured data, paving the way for advanced Generative AI applications.

As member of Data Innovation Alliance in this educational webinar we will guide you through the process of converting diverse document formats into usable data. You’ll learn about advanced data extraction techniques, ensuring data accuracy and traceability, and see real-world applications in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Ideal for professionals aiming to leverage AI for augmented reading, chat, analytics, and automation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding document complexity and data extraction
  • Techniques for ensuring data accuracy
  • Practical RAG application insights


  • 5 min  –  Welcome and Introduction 
  • 15 min – Key Challenges and learnings of extracting data from unstructured sources 
  • 15 min – Practical use cases in augmented reading, RAG 
  • 10 min – Q&A

The webinar will be recorded for on-demand watching.

Webinar Geoinformation – Auffindbarkeit und Nutzbarkeit quo vadis? (Deutsch)

Es gibt eine Vielzahl an Daten, die einen räumlichen Bezug haben – nicht nur erhoben durch Unternehmen oder Forschungseinrichtungen, sondern auch durch Bundesbehörden oder Kantonale Ämter. Doch wie findet man die “richtigen” Daten und wie kann man diese in eigene Anwendungen und Dienstleistungen integrieren?

In der erste Präsentation dieses Webinars stellt ein Team der FHNW den GeoHarvester vor, ein Proof-of-Concept (PoC) einer einfach zu bedienenden, mehrsprachigen Suchmaschine für Schweizer Geodienste – mit offener API und offenem Quellcode.

Die zweite Präsentation von Dr. Ralph Straumann beleuchtet den Stand der Schweizer Geoinformations-«Landschaft» im Jahr 2024 sowie aktuelle und künftige Herausforderungen bezüglich der Produktion und Bereitstellung von Geodaten – und versucht, einige Lösungsansätze aufzuzeigen.

Prof. Stefan F. Keller rundet das Webinar ab. Bei allen Referaten besteht die Möglichkeit, Fragen zu stellen.

Programm (90 min.):
11:00 Einführung (Stefan Keller FH OST) (5 min.)
11:05 GeoHarvester PoC – eine Suchmaschine für Geodienste der Schweiz (Pia Bereuter, Friedrich Striewski und Elia Ferrari, FHNW Muttenz)
11:40 Schweizer Geoinformationen: Connecting the dots, perpetual beta (Ralph Straumann, EBP) 
12:15 Geoinformation-Auffindbarkeit und -Nutzbarkeit quo vadis? (Stefan Keller, FH OST)

Diese Veranstaltung wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem GEOSummit und dem Innovation Booster databooster (Focus Topic Spatial Data Analytics) durchgeführt.