Workshop on Flexible working conditions in STEM
By Nicolas Lenz, Xurce and Gundula Heinatz Bürki, data innovation alliance
The Alliance’s commitment is manifold. The network is not only committed to professional exchange, but also wants to contribute to social challenges.
Society is changing, and in recent years the labor market has been shaken up considerably. The need for new work models, more home office and a generally improved work-life balance are sprouting up.
After an introduction of Priska Burkard from techface about facts and figures to the actual situation of women in tech force we discussed the challenges and first ideas about possible solutions.
A workshop dedicated to these topics led to surprising results!
- Employers have adapted to the new circumstances and offer (from their point of view) flexible working conditions.
- However, many of them fail to make the working conditions visible to the outside.
- In daily business, the working conditions are not lived, promises are too often broken.
- The needs of the employees often do not coincide with the offers of the employers.
- In a typical organization, people with different needs work together. This also means (from the employees’ point of view) that they do not all need the same working conditions.
We consider it important to further deepen these discussions. The next step is to find the right form of discussions and then produce a tangible output.
We very much welcome all input. Anyone who wants to participate in the discussions, please contact nic@xurce.ch or gheinatz@data-innovation.org.