About us
The aim of the Innovation Booster – Databooster was to generate innovation around data-based value creation in Switzerland. The Databooster drove innovation in data-based services for the manufacturing and service sectors, combining new methods and technologies in Data Science with novel business and service concepts.
The Innovation Booster – Databooster was the innovation program of the data innovation alliance, powered by Innosuisse, running from 2021 to 2024. More information about the Innosuisse Innovation Booster can be found here.
The Databooster program operated based on the Innosuisse mission guidelines, our code of conduct, and our community manifesto.
Booster Managers
Gundula Heinatz Bürki
data innovation alliance
Dr. Gundula Heinatz Bürki led an analytics group at a Swiss insurance company and has been Manager of an analytics research group at ETH Zurich. She knows what transforming to digitization for a larger company means.
Reik Leiterer
data innovation alliance
Dr. Reik Leiterer is CEO and co-founder of ExoLabs, a company setting new standards in satellite-based environmental monitoring. For him, exchange and collaboration are at the core of innovation.
Focus Topic Leaders
Ricardo Chavarriaga
Patricia Deflorin
Lisa Falco
Philip Hauri
Industrie 2025
Christian Hauser
Christoph Heitz
Stefan Keller
Reik Leiterer
Jürg Meierhofer
Gerrit Schatte
Shaun West
Bälliz 62
3600 Thun
Direct:+41 33 221 88 20