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Tag: Databooster

Expert Group Meeting – Big Data & AI Tech

The Expert Group will come together in September at the following location:
Trivadis AG, room Zuse, Sägereistrasse 29, 8152 Glattbrugg

The topics of discussion are as follows:

Methods of Statistical Disclosure Control applied on Microdata
Simon Würsten, SBB

Simon will talk about how he applied methods of anonymization on microdata, his experiences and possible complications regarding big data.

Big Data and AI Technologies on Microsoft Azure Cloud
Gerald Reif, IPT

Modern cloud providers enable powerful AI and Big Data technologies, platforms and tools. We will have a look at the underlying concepts and specific implementations and services on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud.

Reproducible Data Science
Luca Furrer, Trivadis

Luca will discuss the different aspects of a reproducible data science process and explain why he thinks the question of reproducibility should be considered for every AI project. Furthermore, he will present a set of open source tools which can be useful achieve reproducibility.

Smart Services Summit 2021

Smart Services supporting the new-normal

Register to the event here!

Following on from the Summit in 2020, where the focus was on digital as an enabler for smart services, this year
we want to focus on how Smart Services have allowed firms to adapt in the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of
remote and collaborative working have created new forms of co-delivery where customers are integrated into the
service processes. Such a change requires a mindset change for more traditional firms as the service model
migrates from ‘do it for you’ to ‘do it yourself’ or some mix of ‘do it together’. Considering service science, the
switch makes perfect sense as it means that the full set of resources within the ecosystem are now being used
rather than only a part. Services can be delivered faster and at lower costs with the support of new technologies
and when working with the customer in a co-delivery mode. The changes are leading to new value propositions
and business models today and will lead to an evolution in Smart Services in the future. The changes themselves
must be understood, and we may need to consider new or different implementation and delivery models for
Smart Services. These new working approaches may also requite use to re-evaluate both training and education.

The summit in 2021 aims to assess new and emerging services that are enabled by technology and where the
services are co-delivered to support the emerging new-normal. In doing so, we hope to answer some of these
… how is the service quality impacted through digital technologies?
… how can you transform the customer (or a third-party) into a service partner?
… how does collaborative working impact value co-creation?
… what is the impact of smart services on customer experience?
… how does the nature of the service delivery change?

The pre-COVID19 context and the challenges faced should, where possible, be described so that the initial state
can be clearly understood. Although the focus will be on COVID-19 and its impact on Smart Services, papers on
emerging research on the full lifecycle (e.g, pre-sales, sales, delivery etc.) of Smart Services remain appreciated.
As with previous years, we are looking for early-stage research and will again publish the proceedings with
Springer. Furthermore, we will use industry to set the scene and the context from their position and follow them
with impactful academic presentations. We will have a physical summit in Zürich!

Hotel Belvoir (LINK)
Säumerstrasse 37
8803 Rüschlikon, Zürich

Covid certificate will be checked, please see HERE

Summit Chairs
Prof. Dr. Shaun West, Hochschule Luzern,
Dr. Jürg Meierhofer, ZHAW School of Engineering,
Utpal Mangla, VP and Senior Partner in IBM Services

Smart Services; Industry4.0; Product-Service Systems; Value Co-creation; Service Quality; COVID-19; Service
Science; Service Design.

Submission procedure
i. Write a short abstract:
ii. Short abstract submission: 2 July, 2021 to
iii. Notification of acceptance: 16 July, 2021
iv. Full paper submission: 31 August, 2021
Acceptance of papers is based on the full paper (up to 8 pages). All papers will be peer reviewed.

Proceedings from 2020
The proceedings from 2020 will be published in June 2021 (

The first “Battle of NLP Ideas” @SwissText

It has become rather difficult over the last two years for professionals to meet and informally discuss topics in their fields. Databooster is about bringing research and industry together so that new innovative projects in different data-intensive fields can be born. But how can we stimulate this exchange? The NLP Focus Group of the Databooster initiative (with Focus Group Leaders Mark Cieliebak, Philipp Thomann, Natalia Korchagina) addressed this challenge by organizing the first “Battle of NLP Ideas” workshop at the SwissText conference. The event was held on June 15, 2021 online.

About 50 NLP enthusiasts joined our virtual battle. The goal of this interactive session was to give stage to as many ideas as possible, multiplying the chances for the people with similar ideas to meet and possibly form an alliance. The final prize of the battle was a chance to turn your idea into an Innosuisse-funded project!

Our battle had several rounds. In the first round, the participants were split in small groups of 3 to 5 where everyone could pitch their idea to other member of the group in 10-20 seconds, and the most promising idea of each small group was selected by voting. In the next round, a small presentation of an idea was prepared by each group and then pitched in front of the members of other groups. The most promising ideas were discussed in more details with all participants. After three rounds and the final vote, we had our winning ideas:

• Fake-News detection
• Topic Segmentation and Classification in Multi-topic Reports
• Automatic Contract Generation

It has been an inspiring couple of hours. There is so much research potential and industry need in working NLP products in different domains, from journalism to ecology. To assist our winners in bringing their ideas to life, the focus group leaders organized follow-up meetings where the ideas were further developed, and their market potential was discussed in more details.

Fake News Detection API, capable to recognise fake news, has proven to be in huge demand. Three large Swiss media companies and two Swiss universities (FHNW and ZHAW) are discussing to collaborate. The plan is to start with an Innocheck which will be most likely followed by an Innosuisse application.

A first follow-up workshop on the Topic Segmentation idea showed that there is large interest from academia, but only limited significance to industry. Automatic contract generation did not receive enough support from the industrial partners after the first follow-up.

We wish all our participants to turn their ideas into real projects and keep our fingers crossed for the winners!

The next battle of NLP ideas will be fought at the upcoming SwissText conference in June2022. We are looking forward to seeing many fellow NLP enthusiasts joining the contest.

Service Lunch: “Essen, Lernen, Netzwerken”

Organized by the Smart Services Expert Group

Visualizing Swiss Open Government Data

Open Government Data has the power to transform how organizations engage citizens but we have to wonder how accessible, usable, and shareable open data for the majority of people truly is? «Visualize» is a self-service interface that empowers users to explore open data based on smart defaults and design best practices.

Please register at:
Online by Microsoft Teams, Participants get an access link after registration.
You can also find all relevant information in the flyer!

SDS Workshop – The Untapped Potential of Open Geodata

The world is becoming increasingly data-driven. But if there are restrictions on the access and use of data, data-driven business and governance is strongly limited. In this content, open data has its own unique place. It can help with global challenges such as climate change adaptation or famine, it can give companies a competitive advantage, and it can streamline processes and systems that society and governments have built. Moreover, open data can empower citizens and thus strengthen democracy. In short, it can help to change the way we understand and interact with the world. There are many types of open data, but due to the geographic element geodata deserves special attention, both in terms of quantity and quality. In this workshop the importance of open geodata is discussed and success stories of projects based on open geodata are presented. Platforms and initiatives related to open geodata as well as funding opportunities will be presented and discussed.

Lessons to be learned

  • Get to know data portals for open geodata
  • Overview of the application potential of open geodata
  • Terms of use for open geodata (Open Government Data and others).
  • Insights into the Open Government Data Strategy.
  • Insights on how to crowdsource open data.

Target Audience (beginner level to intermediate level)
Data Managers, Data Engineers, Data Analysts, Statisticians. Academics and everyone who is interested in the topic of data science.

To participate in the workshop please register using the SDS2021 website.

ONLINE – 6th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText)

We invite you to the 6th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText), which takes place on June 14-16, 2021.

SwissText is an annual conference that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia. It is organised by the Swiss Association for Natural Language Processing (SwissNLP) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) as well as the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the data innovation alliance. SwissText 2021 is part of the “Networking Event Series – Natural Language Processing” funded by InnoSuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency. It is supported by more than 10 universities and scientific associations.

Find more information on the conference website.

APMS Conference

APMS 2021 Conference Special Session/Track on Integrated Manufacturing & Service Operations Management for Product- Service Systems

Over the past 12-months there has been an acceleration of the use of digital within the PSS context as remote forms of support have been developed and deployed in the field allowing new collaborative approaches that support value cocreation. This shows new models of integration of manufacturing operations and service management initiatives, enabled by digital that allow these formats to be delivered. Specifically, the implementation of new formats of digitally-enabled value propositions supports innovative forms of asset management, operations and maintenance during the product-service lifecycle. This leads companies to capture new aspects into their product-service system and allows conversions, modifications and upgrades to extend the asset’s overall useful life with both a sustainable and circular view. Different analytical tools can enable new value propositions as well as improving service experience and operational efficiencies. Moreover, the new digitalized solutions help create the ideal conditions to allow the integration of third-party services; namely, system installers, maintenance-focused supplier or existing business partners (e.g. agents or distributors), who may provide service on the operational assets in place of either the customer or the manufacturer.

With the advent of new forms of integrated value propositions focusing on product-service life-cycle, process support services, asset efficiency services or processes delegation services, may thus mean that the traditional PSS models (e.g., Tukker) might no longer be valid in their existing forms. However, additional studies are needed to find new integration schemes, that support the development of emerging business modes, their value propositions, as well as to identify the best underlying technologies. This special session aims to explore different forms of integration within a product-service system context. The objectives support the aim are to:

  • develop new frameworks to describe integrated value proposition within a PSS context;
  • understand and characterize different digitally-enabled value propositions;
  • identify how new technologies enable new value propositions;
  • describe how to better integrate circular economy aspects into the existing value propositions and business models.
    Qualitative and quantitative papers are requested for this session rather than literature reviews.

Implementing Smart Maintenance in Industry: Innovation Projects Flash Talks

Data-driven methods for predictive maintenance are gaining attention both in applied research and in industry. However, often there is a substantial gap between state-of-the-art methods in research and the actual status of implementation of these methods in industrial systems and infrastructures.
Some of the questions that are often left open are:

  • How can a company identify a business opportunity that can be addressed by data-driven innovations?
  • Which data would be required for the successful implementation of such innovation?
  • What tailor-made tools would be required for the data-acquisition, storage and processing?
  • How would we integrate the innovation in our existing industrial framework and make sure it is efficiently adopted by the operational teams?

In this meeting we focus our attention on one of the primary tools that allow Swiss companies to bridge the gap between research and practice: Innosuisse funding for R&D collaboration projects between applied research institutes and industry companies. We will briefly explain the idea and formal procedure of an Innosuisse funding grant for such projects and then introduce several concrete examples for past successful projects in the field of smart maintenance. Each project presenter will have 10 minutes to summarize the main goal and implemented outcomes. We will conclude with a session of questions and answers to the presenters.

In this way we hope to give our members a clearer perspective of the possibilities that the Swiss Innovation Agency allows in order to transfer knowledge from applied research into industry, with focus on data-driven maintenance applications for industrial assets and infrastructures.

We strongly encourage you to participate in the active discussion, and in addition to forward this invitation to people in your company that might play a relevant role in decision processes regarding innovation.

12:00-12:10 pm Introduction: Innosuisse projects as a business opportunity.
12:10-13:00 pm 5 Flash Talks: Innovation Projects in Smart Maintenance (various speakers from research and industry).
13:00-13:10 pm Databooster industry 4.0: boosting innovation initiatives.
13:10-13:30 pm Q&A session.

Registered participants will receive a link to the meeting prior to the event. Please register through the form at the bottom of this page. For questions you are welcome to contact us directly through or

Best Regards

Thomas Palmé and Lilach Goren Huber

«Predictive Maintenance» Tagesseminar

Das 1×1 der vorausschauenden Wartung

In der Instandhaltung kannte man bis anhin zwei Strategien – proaktiv und reaktiv. Mit der Digitalisierung eröffnet sich eine dritte Strategie – prädiktiv: vorausschauend respektive zustandsorientiert.

Angesichts der ständig steigenden Anforderungen auf dem Werkplatz, die Produktivität zu erhöhen und die Betriebskosten zu senken, ist es sinnvoller denn je, die vorbeugende Instandhaltung und Zustandsüberwachung im eigenen Unternehmen in Betracht zu ziehen. Durch die Vorhersage einer Störung, bevor es überhaupt zu Auswirkungen kommt, können Ausfallzeiten minimiert, die Produktivität der Mitarbeitenden gesteigert und Kosten gespart werden.

In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie anhand von konkreten Projekten, wie man einen Betrieb fit für die digitale Instandhaltung trimmt und welche Mehrwerte damit generiert werden können.

Das Seminar richtet sich an Entscheidungsträger aus den Bereichen Instandhaltung, Technik und Digitalisierung.


  • Sie kennen den Prozess «Predicitive Maintenance» von der Datenaufnahme bis zur Umsetzung.
  • Sie können die Möglichkeiten einordnen, die Algorithmen und Machine Learning bieten.
  • Sie sind schon nach der ersten Einführung im Kurs in der Lage, ein Projektpapier zu erstellen.


  • Erfahrungen aus umgesetzten Kundenprojekten
  • Theorie von Predictive Maintenance, Big Data, Internet of Things, Anomalie- und Mustererkennung, Dashboards
  • Erarbeitung eines Projektpapiers in der Gruppe

Klicken Sie auf den “MORE INFO” Link in der Leiste oben rechts um auf die Webseite des Veranstalters zu kommen.
Mitglieder der data innovation alliance können sich mit dem Spezialpreis für 390.00 registrieren!