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Tag: Databooster

SKDV Service Träff

Angesichts der angespannten Corona-Lage ist eine Prognose in welchem Umfang eine Präsenzveranstaltung stattfinden kann, noch nicht abschliessend möglich.

Geplant ist, dass wir uns in den Räumlichkeiten der Swissmem Academy in Winterthur treffen.

Wir halten Sie auf dem laufenden.

Neben einem spannenden Referat zum Thema “Climate as a service” werden wir gemeinsam die Themen für die SKDV-Service-Foren 2022 festlegen.

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Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Input – im Voraus und natürlich auch während der Veranstaltung!

Sehen Sie das Programm und weitere Informationen HIER.

Databooster – To support SMEs

HEPIA, HES-SO, OPI, and NTN Innovation Booster Databooster join their forces to support SMEs on their way from a rough idea to a funded research project. On 1st March 2022, a joint event was organized at HEPIA in which 30 interested persons from the industry took part.

After the welcome of OPI (OPI – Office de Promotion des Industries et des Technologies) by Hélène Gache (Directrice at OPI) and HEPIA by Claire Baribaud (Directrice at HEPIA – Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Genève – HEPIA) Nabil Abdennadher (Professor of Computer Science at HEPIA) presented the Databooster objectives and innovation process for the audience. He pointed out that the NTN Innovation Booster will support the preliminary phase of open innovation before it comes to an innovation project.

Two success stories of the last year were presented by SMEs.

First, Andreas Seonbuchner (CEO and partner of CitizenTalk) showcased his journey within the Databooster – starting from first idea discussions with a research group to securing appropriate team partners by a call for participation to the community. An interdisciplinary team with potential customers proceed in shaping further his idea. The vital clarity for implementation options was gained through an Innocheck for a feasibility study (together with an Applied University). Finally, a consortium was founded for an already accepted Innosuisse project.

Thereafter, Sami Jaballah, Co-Founder and CEO of DNEXT Intelligence SA, described his  success with the Databooster: with two matched partners and a solid framework that shaped his idea, he is now preparing the Innosuisse project submission. At one stage, Sami admitted being unsure about his idea. However, thanks to the competence and expertise the Databooster provided, he was able to solidify his relatively vague idea into a structured concept that reached maturation.

After these two presentations, an open discussion on various topics followed, such as the difference between Innovation Booster and Innosuisse Innocheck, confidentiality and IPR, funding model and budget allocation, the definition of innovation, etc. A delicious aperitif concluded the event.
Many thanks to all persons involved in organizing the event. We are looking forward to many Call for Participations from the attendees.

5. Konferenz Perspektiven mit Industrie 4.0 Synergien und Chancen für die Kreislaufwirtschaft

Die Kreislaufwirtschaft ist der vielversprechende Weg von Industrie, Gesellschaft und Politik, um Ressourcen zu schonen und ein nachhaltiges Wirtschafssystem aufzubauen. Die Technologien und Methoden der Industrie 4.0 leisten dabei in der Wertschöpfungskette einen wichtigen Beitrag. Sie befähigen den Markt, die Energie-, Material- und Logistikaufwände zu minimieren und sind damit Wegbereiter für lückenlose Nachverfolgbarkeit von Materialien und Bauteilen, Zustandsüberwachung und Predictive Maintenance, Remote-Services für weltweit verteilten Anlagen und neue digitale Businessmodelle.

In der Konferenz «Perspektive mit Industrie 4.0» werden Lösungen von und für Schweizer KMU präsentiert, die pionierhaft und mustergültig sind. Wir laden Sie ein, sich von diesen Vordenkern und Macher dieser nachhaltigen Industrie 4.0 Philosophie inspirieren zu lassen, so dass Sie diese Lösungsansätze für Ihr Geschäftsfeld aufnehmen, anpassen und gewinnbringend umsetzen können.

Mehr Informationen finden sie auf der offiziellen Webseite.
Registrieren sie sich HIER

9th Swiss Conference on Data Science

The Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS) is the most important Swiss conference for applied data science! In 2022 it will be held for the 9th time.

We connect data scientists, developers, opinion leaders, decision makers and pioneers. We create and exchange ideas for innovative products and services, with a non-exclusive focus on the Swiss market. We foster the community of data scientists in Switzerland – and beyond.

SDS2022: With talks and contributions focusing on applied data science and business, accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. Talks with business impact and data-driven innovation concepts will be presented at the SDS2022.

Meet innovators, scientists as well as business insiders and get access to emerging trends, cutting-edge technologies and research results. Get inspired and use the input from SDS2022 directly for the improvement and development of your data-based products, solutions and applications. Further expand your network and discuss with experts on applied data science during our breaks and social events.

Find more information on our website HERE.

Swiss Text Analytics Conference

SwissText is an annual conference that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia. It is organised by the Swiss Association for Natural Language Processing (SwissNLP) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), the Data Innovation Alliance as well as the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW).

For registration please use this link: REGISTRATION

Operational ML for Service Engineers: Successes and Pitfalls

By Lilach Goren Huber, Thomas Palmé, Manuel Arias Chao (all ZHAW), Maik Hadorn, Roche

Smart Maintenance Expert Group Meeting 20.01.2022

Once more, we met online for an interesting presentation followed by vivid discussions and networking. Yes, online networking!

We started by proudly introducing our new industrial Lead: Dr. Maik Hadorn, International Product Manager, from Roche Diagnostics. Welcome Maik, we are honored to profit from your expertise!

Next, Niels Uitterdijk, the CTO and founder of Amplo exposed us not only to success stories but also to challenges and pitfalls on the way to successful machine-learning-based predictive maintenance. As usual in our EG, this included concrete use case examples, this time from several different application fields.

After an intense Q&A session (we were 29 attendees!) we switched from Zoom to Wonder, where we had the chance to meet and network with group members. Similarly to previous meetings of our EG, this worked out really well!

We look forward to the next meeting – this time, finally, face to face.

Webinar – Value Networks for Servitization

Servitization and advanced services are attractive to businesses with their promise of new and recurring revenue streams, longer-term contracts and close relationships with customers. The process of servitization touches all areas of the business model and, especially for traditionally product-focused companies, it may change the relationships held with customers, suppliers and partners.

When designing advanced service offerings, manufacturers often face a raft of questions about the wider environment they operate in. How will relationships with dealers and distributors change? Who should we work with? How can technology vendors help accelerate service innovation? Are such vendors an opportunity or a long-term threat?

The concept of a value network can help address these challenges and is the topic of our latest mini-guide.

Join host Iain McKechnie and expert industry speakers Dr Kawal Kapoor (ASG Ltd) and Andy Bates (Omron UK) on 2 February 2022 at 15.00 (UK) for a webinar walkthrough of our Value Networks for Servitization miniguide.

The panel will introduce the concept of value networks, how to create a model for your business to help you understand and analyse your value network to inform strategic decisions and design successful service offerings.

Register now (HERE) to secure your space.

Expert Group Meeting – Machine Learning Clinic

The Expert Group will meet in Zurich for the first time in 2022 to discuss Challenges in applied computer vision!

Location: PwC, Birchstrasse 160, 8050 Zurich

More details are soon to follow.

Participation is limited to 14 people. Please register using the form below.

ONLINE – Expert Group Meeting – Smart Maintenance

We are pleased to invite you to open 2022 with a meeting of the “Smart Maintenance Expert Group”. The meeting will take place online on 20 January 2022 at 14:30.

Niels Uitterdijk from Amplo GmbH will talk about
Successes and pitfalls on the road to a generic, operational machine learning platform for service engineers

Industrial machine manufacturers have heavily invested in IoT infrastructures in the last decade, yet tools that extract actionable insights remain illusive. To drastically reduce the maintenance costs and data analysis efforts, Amplo developed a smart maintenance platform which gives service engineers themselves access to state of the art operational machine learning systems that are deployable without any code or machine learning expertise. Currently, the platform provides models that diagnose failures, analyse production quality and monitor machine performance. 

The benefits are clear. Tritium avoids hours of data analysis and enjoys automated root cause analysis, allowing them to instantly send out repair orders. Solarmanager is able to notify thousands of homeowners when their PV panels are underperforming. TB Safety now services their filters only when necessary, instead of inspecting them every year.


14:30 – 14:45 An introduction round
14:45 – 15:30 Successes and pitfalls on the road to a generic, operational machine learning platform for service engineers
15:30 – 16:30 Networking on “Wonder”


Please register to the meeting using the form below. For questions you are welcome to contact us directly through or

Looking forward to meeting you,
Maik, Thomas, Manuel and Lilach

No Time To Die

The organization of the 11th meeting of the Spatial Data Analytics Expert Group included some unexpected twists. After postponing the original meeting in September, we also had to switch to an online format at short notice on the new date. Although the excitement couldn’t quite compete with a real agent movie, we were at least pleased that we could finally welcome a large number of participants.

The real excitement came from the announced contents. Dr. Joachim Steinwendner from FFHS had offered to host the meeting and had prepared a program with the topic GIS and Health. The two announced talks were titled after Bond movies.They addressed the interface between GIS and Health, once from the pharmacological point of view of and once from the perspective of geoinformatics.

PD Dr. Stefan Weiler focused on the first view. In his talk “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” he presented the role of geodata in medicine with numerous illustrations (e.g. the Corona dashboards). Joachim Steinwendner then changed the perspective in his talk “The World Is Not Enough”. He asked the audience to imagine a GIS in which the coordinate system did not map the world, but rather the human body.

The meeting ended in an informal exchange under Plans were made for future collaborations or at least for the next visit to the cinema.