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How can we enable a more sustainable industry?

By Melanie Geiger, data innovation alliance

Report-back on the 5th Conference on Industry Perspectives: 4.0 Synergies and Opportunities for the Circular Economy

When academic brilliance and popular enthusiasm meet, it results in the recent ZHAW conference, “5. Konferenz Perspektiven mit Industrie 4.0 Synergien und Chancen für die Kreislaufwirtschaft”, where an economy that works together with the environment is the future. After all, that, in a nutshell, is what circular economy (CE) is about.

The morning was packed with engaging presentations on an abundance of circularity aspects revolving around:

● Manufacturing and production
● Material and raw materials
● Logistics
● Utilization
● Support and service

The Tool manufacturer FRAISA presented the possibilities of digital individualization in optimizing tool utilization. Using their method, tools can be “restored”, leading to a reduction in energy consumption, as well as in materials and logistics costs. This provides a basis for a sustainable economic system.

After lunch (and plenty of networking), the 80 participants divided up into 8 discussion tables, intensively identifying and analyzing current challenges in Industry and the Circular Economy. Key challenges which lead to resource waste in Logistics were poorly packed or empty return-shipping containers were highlighted. The NTN Innovation Booster Databooster and NTN Innovation Booster Applied Circular Sustainability jointly organized the interactive session.

Kündig, a provider of industrial sanding machines, offers remote fault diagnosis and support to their customers in order to reduce travel time and resource requirements. Another excellent example is REMONDIS Digital Services, which globally offers interested parties such as cities and municipalities an innovative solution: road and environmental data on demand! As a fleet operator of waste collection vehicles, REMONDIS Digital drives along all the streets of a city at regular intervals whereby in doing so, their vehicles collect data on the road environment in an automated, data protection-compliant and demand-oriented manner, down to the very last nook and cranny. They can achieve this by using optical sensors together with artificial intelligence.

With all these innovative ideas for making Industry more sustainable, we had the opportunity to explore new possibilities through networking and intense discussion, finally ending with an enjoyable apéro. Thank you to all the participants!

Wie kann Industrie 4.0 die Nachhaltigkeit fördern?

Erfolgreiche 5. Konferenz Perspektiven mit Industrie 4.0 Synergien und Chancen für die Kreislaufwirtschaft 1. Juni 2022, Winterthur

By Jürg Meierhofer, ZHAW

Die Kreislaufwirtschaft ist der vielversprechende Weg von Industrie, Gesellschaft und Politik, um Ressourcen zu schonen und ein nachhaltiges Wirtschafssystem aufzubauen. Richtig gestaltet, leisten Technologien und Methoden der Industrie 4.0 einen wichtigen Beitrag dafür. Dank ihnen können die Unternehmen Energie-, Material- und Logistikaufwände minimieren. Sie sind Wegbereiter für lückenlose Nachverfolgbarkeit von Materialien und Bauteilen, Zustandsüberwachung und Predictive Maintenance, Remote-Services für weltweit verteilte Anlagen und neue digitale Businessmodelle.

In der Konferenz «Perspektive mit Industrie 4.0» wurden Lösungen von industriellen Unternehmen präsentiert, die pionierhaft und mustergültig sind. Sie dienen damit als Musterbeispiele nachhaltiger Gestaltung von Industrie 4.0 für zahlreiche andere Unternehmen. Der Tag zeigte insgesamt einen eindrucksvollen Stand der Entwicklung auf, von denen unten anekdotisch nur ein paar Stichworte festgehalten sind. Insbesondere wurde deutlich, dass nachhaltige Lösungen basierend auf  Digitalisierung nicht in ferner Zukunft kommen, sondern schon sehr nahe sind und dank diesen Leuchtturm-Beispielen heute schon verfügbar sind.

Begleitet wurden die Referaten von einem Ideation-Workshop, der von den beiden Innosuisse geförderten Innovation Boostern “applied circular sustainability” und “databooster” gestaltet und moderiert wurde. Dabei kam echte Co-Creation unter den Teilnehmenden mit zahlreichen Projektideen, die nach der Konferenz fortgesetzt werden sollen.

Impressionen, Bildgalerie: 

Stichworte zu den Referaten:
Paarigkeit in optimierten Verkehrsströmen (Joe Petitjean, Planzer Synergetics), Nachhaltigkeit dank Services, z.B. virtuelles Training (Michael Braun und Lukas Bruhns, KVD), individualisierte Werkzeugaufbereitung (“Jedes Werkzeug hat einen Identität / einen Personalausweis”) (Thomas Wittig, FRAISA), papierlose Prozesse und optimierte Stoffkreisläufe (Konrad Pfadenhauer, Concircle Schweiz), Wertschöpfung im Produktlebenszyklus durch konsequente Fokussierung auf den Use Case (Alexander Gafner, Cognizant), Begleitung von KMU im Innovationsprozess (Markus Müller, Kanton Zürich), Chancen in der MEM-Branche vor dem Hintergrund anstehender Regulierungen (Chris Roth, Swissmem), Kreislaufprozess für Ersatzteile (Robert Keller, Bizerba), Kundennähe durch Fernzugriff (Raphael Golder, Kündig), Abfall wird digital (Kristin Doppelreiter, REMONDIS), urbane Kreislauflogistik auf der Schiene (Katharina Wachs, SBB Cargo).

Databooster Shaping Workshop:
Design thinking and Digital Strategy workshop for SwissRe’s Specialty unit

By Markus Konz, SwissRe and Jürg Meierhofer, ZHAW

At 31st May SwissRe’s Specialty unit hold an ideation workshop to sharpen its digital strategy for the core business supported by databooster. Data-driven underwriting and automation were the key elements of the lively discussions. The participants represented business and technology units to bring views together and ensure a 360° perspective for the digital strategy. Jürg Meierhofer (ZHAW) and Markus Konz (SwissRe) moderated the workshop and guided the participants through the design thinking framework which enabled the team to stay focused and come up with a very concrete picture of the requirements to transfer into a digital future.

The workshop was a full success and the outcome got turned into concrete action plan for the coming 3 years. It was great to see how a well-orchestrated design thinking workshop with highly motivated and competent experts could deliver tangible results for a deeply informed strategy and roadmap in only half a day.

Synthetic Data Generation on The Hype Train

By Stefan Keller, Reik Leiterer, Nicolas Lenz

When it comes to predictions, we should always be careful. But Synthetic Data Generation is certainly one of the trend topics. Gartner is not the only one to say that this technology will become established in the next few years.

On April 13, 2022, the Expert Group “Spatial Data Analytics” met in Zurich on the topic of “Geospatial Synthetic Data” in-person and virtually. In the modern premises of the Gleisarena, provided by the FFHS, the host, Aldo Lamberti of, presented three top-class talks to the 20 participants. The following is a brief summary.

The Spatial Data Analytics Expert Group is a nice place to share ideas. It’s part of the data innovation alliance which is instrumental in making Switzerland a recognized hub for data-driven value creation.

Left to right: Jakob Dambon, Aldo Lamberti, Josef Boesze

Aldo Lamberti began with a presentation on “How to securely collaborate and compute on synthetic geo data”. Syntheticus envisions a world in which the full potential of data is realized, while at the same time preserving fundamental privacy rights. Synthetic data is the solution. Synthetic data mimics real data while preserving the utility of data and protecting privacy – it is poised to revolutionize the way the world realizes the full potential of data. Public and private entities around the world trust us to unlock and monetize untapped data without violating compliance. They are setting new standards by securely collaborating and processing Syntheticus data across the entire data value chain. Syntheticus provides an SaaS platform for enterprises to generate synthetic data at scale while maintaining privacy.

Jakob Dambon of SwissRe spoke on “Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistics, Using Both Frequency and Bayesian Approaches.” He explained that one of the best known regression methods is Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). It is easy to model and interpret. However, when dealing with spatial data, the model assumptions are usually no longer valid. More specifically, observations that are close together are more dependent than observations that are far apart. This is where geostatistical methods come into play. These methods attempted to explain the remaining dependencies using, for example, a Gaussian process. These processes capture the dependence on the observations over distance in their covariance function. Finally, using geostatistical methods, he modeled the covariates as a fixed external trend while allowing the intercept to vary over space.

Josef Boesze of itopia ag spoke about “Developing and Testing without any Risks or Side Effects using iSynth”. itopia – as a boutique IT consulting firm for the financial world – has long suspected that testing based on production data – even when anonymized – leads to risks and undesirable side effects. Moreover, machine learning and Big Data analytics have become the natural enemies of solutions based on anonymized data. In his opinion, it’s time for a change. The alternative is synthetic data. However, until now, generating synthetic data was too costly, the results were not satisfactory, or it was simply not practical. Efficient and risk-free development, testing and training is now possible thanks to consistent synthetic test data. itopia offers an agile and object-oriented approach as well as suitable test data factory tools for projects and DevOps.

After a lively discussion, the participants present went out for pizza together at a nearby casual industrial-style venue. The food and drinks were kindly sponsored by ExoLabs. While networking, the next host was also already determined. This means that we can look forward to more interesting meetings!

Service Lunch Smart Services: Transformation of the service business of Swiss industrial companies

With Boris Ricken, AWK Group

COVID-19 has posed enormous challenges to Swiss industrial companies over the past two years. The service sector has been particularly hard hit, as it relies on personal interactions with customers. At the same time, digital technologies have changed the service business.

In his presentation, Boris Ricken shed light on the implications of these developments for Swiss industrial companies. He showed how longterm trends in service provision have been reinforced, e.g., by local service provision in combination with central products and services. Given this, different fields of action were elaboarated, among others for new digital services and business models.

The presentation was accompanied by lively discussion and input from the participants. The expert group Smart Services is a very active platform for sharing and growing knowledge and expertise in this field.

Contact person: Jürg Meierhofer

Databooster – To support SMEs

HEPIA, HES-SO, OPI, and NTN Innovation Booster Databooster join their forces to support SMEs on their way from a rough idea to a funded research project. On 1st March 2022, a joint event was organized at HEPIA in which 30 interested persons from the industry took part.

After the welcome of OPI (OPI – Office de Promotion des Industries et des Technologies) by Hélène Gache (Directrice at OPI) and HEPIA by Claire Baribaud (Directrice at HEPIA – Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Genève – HEPIA) Nabil Abdennadher (Professor of Computer Science at HEPIA) presented the Databooster objectives and innovation process for the audience. He pointed out that the NTN Innovation Booster will support the preliminary phase of open innovation before it comes to an innovation project.

Two success stories of the last year were presented by SMEs.

First, Andreas Seonbuchner (CEO and partner of CitizenTalk) showcased his journey within the Databooster – starting from first idea discussions with a research group to securing appropriate team partners by a call for participation to the community. An interdisciplinary team with potential customers proceed in shaping further his idea. The vital clarity for implementation options was gained through an Innocheck for a feasibility study (together with an Applied University). Finally, a consortium was founded for an already accepted Innosuisse project.

Thereafter, Sami Jaballah, Co-Founder and CEO of DNEXT Intelligence SA, described his  success with the Databooster: with two matched partners and a solid framework that shaped his idea, he is now preparing the Innosuisse project submission. At one stage, Sami admitted being unsure about his idea. However, thanks to the competence and expertise the Databooster provided, he was able to solidify his relatively vague idea into a structured concept that reached maturation.

After these two presentations, an open discussion on various topics followed, such as the difference between Innovation Booster and Innosuisse Innocheck, confidentiality and IPR, funding model and budget allocation, the definition of innovation, etc. A delicious aperitif concluded the event.
Many thanks to all persons involved in organizing the event. We are looking forward to many Call for Participations from the attendees.

Challenges in Applied Computer Vision

By Philipp Schmid, CSEM, Andrea Dunbar, CSEM and Jakob Olbrich, PwC

Meeting of Expert Group Machine Learning Clinic, February 11 2022

What have expensive mechanical watches, sand, e-waste and cockpits in common? All areas have tough challenges in computer vision. Human eyes are very hard to outperform with cameras and image processing. What people perform with their visual sense every day is just amazing and and creating these capabilities remains a complex challenge for computer vision.

At this first in person meeting this year the expert group focused on various real world vision problems.
The event was hosted by PwC in their inspiring location in Oerlikon. Four speakers set the floor for great discussions followed by a lively sitting Apéro.

Lukas Schaupp, PwC «Detecting e-Waste»
The amount of electronic devices people dispose is growing exponentially. Not just talking about smartphones, laptops and earphones but as well larger household items like dishwashers, toasters and vacuum cleaners. As prices for raw materials are rocketing off automated recycling of e-waste is becoming attractive. Lukas demonstrated strategies to localize and classify different electronic devices in bulk on a conveyor belt.

Andrea Dunbar, CSEM «AI at the Edge – Safety in the next generation Cockpits»
There are multiple reasons and advantages to process at the edge. Andrea demonstrated this impressively in the use-case: next generation cockpits. Pilot drowsiness detection and more important high accuracy eye gaze detection (±1°) with rates of up to 60 frames per second are only possible at the edge. What is today already reality in the flight simulator will soon be introduced in each car for the safety of our roads.

Francesco Cicala, PwC «Automatic image thresholding for semantic segmentation»
The quality of concrete depends heavily on the right mixture of sand and pebbles. In the future a smartphone app should be able to classify the correct mix by assessing the size of the sand and pebbles. Francesco introduced a powerful method to extend Otsu’s thresholding technique into a locally adaptive threshold map for the whole image. This method is robust, fully explainable and there are no labels needed. In a next phase it will be extended with a U-Net algorithm to improve accuracy.

David Honzatko, CSEM «Photometric stereo in defect detection»
Swiss Made symbolizes perfect quality. Especially in the watch industry requirements are demanding. The small parts are highly reflective, complex shaped and defects can appear randomly at any position. The key to an automated defect detection solution is photometric stereo. David presented a dome setup which can project up to 108 illumination directions. To reduce the hardware requirements whilst keeping the performance David presented a new data augmentation technique, which boosts the training of any deep learning architecture processing the images.

A full evening of new insights and tough challenges in the field of computer vision. Thanks to everyone
for the great participation and especially to the host for the amazing location and the local Apéro.

Operational ML for Service Engineers: Successes and Pitfalls

By Lilach Goren Huber, Thomas Palmé, Manuel Arias Chao (all ZHAW), Maik Hadorn, Roche

Smart Maintenance Expert Group Meeting 20.01.2022

Once more, we met online for an interesting presentation followed by vivid discussions and networking. Yes, online networking!

We started by proudly introducing our new industrial Lead: Dr. Maik Hadorn, International Product Manager, from Roche Diagnostics. Welcome Maik, we are honored to profit from your expertise!

Next, Niels Uitterdijk, the CTO and founder of Amplo exposed us not only to success stories but also to challenges and pitfalls on the way to successful machine-learning-based predictive maintenance. As usual in our EG, this included concrete use case examples, this time from several different application fields.

After an intense Q&A session (we were 29 attendees!) we switched from Zoom to Wonder, where we had the chance to meet and network with group members. Similarly to previous meetings of our EG, this worked out really well!

We look forward to the next meeting – this time, finally, face to face.

No Time To Die

The organization of the 11th meeting of the Spatial Data Analytics Expert Group included some unexpected twists. After postponing the original meeting in September, we also had to switch to an online format at short notice on the new date. Although the excitement couldn’t quite compete with a real agent movie, we were at least pleased that we could finally welcome a large number of participants.

The real excitement came from the announced contents. Dr. Joachim Steinwendner from FFHS had offered to host the meeting and had prepared a program with the topic GIS and Health. The two announced talks were titled after Bond movies.They addressed the interface between GIS and Health, once from the pharmacological point of view of and once from the perspective of geoinformatics.

PD Dr. Stefan Weiler focused on the first view. In his talk „On Her Majesty’s Secret Service“ he presented the role of geodata in medicine with numerous illustrations (e.g. the Corona dashboards). Joachim Steinwendner then changed the perspective in his talk „The World Is Not Enough“. He asked the audience to imagine a GIS in which the coordinate system did not map the world, but rather the human body.

The meeting ended in an informal exchange under Plans were made for future collaborations or at least for the next visit to the cinema.

Diversity: Fully Exploit the Potential of Data Science

Just around 25% of the participants of the 8th Swiss Conference on Data Science are female. This aligns with the report from the World Economic Forum that claims that women make up only an estimated 26% of workers in data and AI roles globally. But why? And how can we change that?

We talked to Christian Hopp from BFH, who has addressed academic careers, gender, and diversity in his research, and Teresa Kubacka, who works as a freelance data scientist at Litix and is a member of a community “Women in Machine Learning and Data Science Zurich”

Why do you think diversity is important in Data Science?

Christian Hopp: Very generally, why would anyone think that diversity should not be important in Data Science? Aiming for example at gender balance or the equal representation of minorities in Data Science means fully exploiting the talent pool and fairly distributing opportunities.

Software, algorithm, or more broadly technology development in general, is first and foremost an interactive process, where various actors are involved and where communication and collaboration help to combine different knowledge bases. Hence, to fully exploit the potential of Data Science, it is paramount to involve individuals from all sorts of backgrounds (gender, ethnicity, age, socio-economic background, etc.). Diversity broadens the search horizon, it may help to develop insight and products/service offerings that are more responsible, more ethically, and socially acceptable. When the process itself is more inclusive, so will the final solutions developed be. This may range from making AI applications less racist or including more female-centered views when developing algorithms. If we fail to pay attention to diversity, many of the unconscious biases that have been uncovered may find their way into algorithm development. In the end, we may end up with severely biased algorithms and less trusted by potential user groups.  Diversity in Data Science can endorse these relevant values and viewpoints already during the technology development process. Values like diversity and inclusiveness of the development teams/companies need to be front and center to ensure responsible and inclusive technology and innovation development. 

Teresa Kubacka: Data science needs diversity because we live in diverse societies.  Although we tend to think that “data is the new oil” and “data speaks for itself”, data is not part of the natural world as the oil or the force of gravity, but it is people who actively create data. People decide which data is important enough to collect and what to leave out. People decide which research question is worthwhile the effort and which projects to invest in. This is why if our goal is to create data-driven products that make sense for all the members of society, we have to include a diverse representation of society in the process of creating those products and defining what is important. We have many examples of data projects that backfired spectacularly because they have been designed and developed by a homogeneous group of people (for example a health monitoring app that doesn’t have a functionality to track menstruation). Luckily, we also have many examples of projects where inclusive data science projects led to more empowerment or have driven positive change. This holds for all kinds of diversity, not only gender diversity. Last but not least – can we afford to lose talented data scientists only because they don’t have “the right appearance (gender, skin color, etc.) for the job”? 

What’s keeping women out of Data Science?

Christian Hopp: To be honest. I sincerely do not fully know, but I wish to understand. We have done prior research in STEM fields, focussing on female academic careers. We found that gender stereotyping attributes lower field-specific ability to women. In sum, women aspiring for an academic STEM career with leadership responsibility are confronted with “double” incongruity: First, they are experts in domains that are clearly male-dominated, subjecting them to severe biases stemming from the perception of their abilities. Second, even an aspiration for leadership was still seen as atypical for women. It could be that careers in data science are fraught with problems because women have to fulfill expectations in very male-dominated environments. 

Also, interactions with colleagues and superiors played a similarly important role in academic careers in STEM fields. Oftentimes role models are important to pursue a certain career path. Especially early career stages are sensitive periods in which influential imprints may be left. A lack of prominent role models might keep women out of data science as a career choice. But to answer this more fully, we would need more empirical evidence as to how individual aspects of gender imbalance interact and co-evolve with systemic ones. Formal and informal rules, proximate social structures, organizational culture, professional networks, couple perspectives, prevailing stereotypes, and individual motives may all interact here.  

Teresa Kubacka: In my experience, it’s not the lack of interest. I meet plenty of women who are fascinated by data science and are highly competent to become good data scientists. Many obstacles that they face are the same for women in tech in general. Here I’ll focus on the ones most characteristic for data science. 

One group of obstacles is related to a stereotypical perception of who can be a good data scientist: it is a person with a formal degree in an area historically predominantly given to men (computer science, mathematics, etc.), so women are statistically more likely to be perceived as not having the “right” qualifications. This happens also because a data scientist is often perceived to be a better software engineer and there is low awareness of a big variety of different flavors of data scientist roles among recruiters as well as applicants – some roles are more product-oriented, there are many teams where a data scientist needs to be a good communicator and structured, analytical thinker in the first place, some data science roles have a strong UX and product design component. 

Another group of obstacles is more of a mundane nature, but can, unfortunately, be a real deal-breaker. One big issue is a lack of data science roles with 60% workload and a relatively small market for freelancers, which in Swiss reality means that women who have to share a large portion of family responsibilities cannot easily work as part-time data professionals. It is also not easy to make a transition into data science gradually on the job, without investing time after work into getting a certification (like a CAS or a Bootcamp). Working women with family responsibilities are particularly impacted by this because they cannot afford the time. 

The third group of obstacles comes from within the existing machine learning/data science community. Some things that used to be perceived as normal in male-dominated communities are perceived as hostile by many women. For example, until not long ago one of the most important AI conferences used to be called “NIPS” with a pre-conference event called “TITS”. Only after severe criticism, it has been hesitantly renamed to “NeurIPS” (link 1, link 2). As a woman wanting to enter the field, you start asking yourself: will I be taken seriously there if they picked an acronym for a conference after a female body part? 

The last thing that I think is also relevant is that on one side, requirements for data scientists written by some recruiters are unrealistic, but on the other side, many women don’t believe that they can apply and do the job if they fulfill only part of the requirements and learn the rest on the job. This is why it’s important to build up their confidence – for example by creating networks of female professionals who can exchange experiences, by creating inclusive environments that allow for free experimentation and learning by doing, and by engaging in different mentoring programs both as mentor and mentee. 

How can you support and push diversity forward?

Christian Hopp: Generally, I think it is important to increase awareness through communication. Organizations need to put the benefits of diversity front and center. Not only on the webpage and other communications but in the hearts and minds of people working in data science. We need to wholeheartedly embrace the notion that diversity leads to better, more inclusive, and more innovative outcomes. Second, and that being said from a middle-aged, white, male professor from a non-academic family background trying to educate the next generation of data scientists, we need to activate and communicate through role models. Career paths in data science need to become more visible for women, diverse, or minority individuals. Third, we need more mentoring for diverse, minority individuals in companies but also in academic training.

Teresa Kubacka: I can give some examples based on the activities in our community. We organize meetups and workshops aimed to support women and gender minorities in data science and machine learning. Our community members can talk about their data science projects and learn new skills in a friendly environment. We try to give an opportunity to speak to people who have different kinds of data science roles and life situations to present a variety of inspiring role models. We put a lot of emphasis on events where the participants can engage in informal coaching and at least once a year we try to organize a career event. We also support other communities for women in tech, for example by participating in the conference “WeTechTogether”, where more than 20 communities took part, and where WiMLDS, Litix, and Databooster organized a geodata workshop together. 

However, we can only do that much and there is still much more systemic change that needs to happen. There is no one single solution and every organization will have to find its own path. Some solutions come as an answer to the obstacles to diversity I described before. For example, the Swiss job market would need to open up for more part-time work in data science. Over the last few years, we have already seen an increase in 80% workload positions. So if you are a manager and have an open position for a data scientist, consider making it a 60-100% position or a job-sharing position. If you have an employee with a strong analytic skill that is inspired by data science, think if there is a way for this person to learn some data science skills within their current role. As a general rule, we are all biased and use stereotypes, so it’s always good to check your bias and privilege, and question your instinctive hiring choices because they may act against inclusiveness and diversity. If you design a product or start a project, put effort into assembling a diverse team. If you can, encourage people from historically non-privileged groups to participate in high-profile projects and give them credit and recognition for their effort. Once an organization embraces diversity as its value, and not as an option for interested participants, many of these changes will follow naturally as a consequence of this choice. 

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