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Service Lunch Smart Services: Transformation of the service business of Swiss industrial companies

With Boris Ricken, AWK Group

COVID-19 has posed enormous challenges to Swiss industrial companies over the past two years. The service sector has been particularly hard hit, as it relies on personal interactions with customers. At the same time, digital technologies have changed the service business.

In his presentation, Boris Ricken shed light on the implications of these developments for Swiss industrial companies. He showed how longterm trends in service provision have been reinforced, e.g., by local service provision in combination with central products and services. Given this, different fields of action were elaboarated, among others for new digital services and business models.

The presentation was accompanied by lively discussion and input from the participants. The expert group Smart Services is a very active platform for sharing and growing knowledge and expertise in this field.

Contact person: Jürg Meierhofer

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