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Tag: Databooster

Expert Day

We invite you to the second iteration of the Expert Day. Join us in an exchange of expertise and find inspiration. These following groups will participate:

  • Natural Language Processing & Big Data Technologies
  • Smart Maintenance
  • Smart Services
  • Spatial Data Analytics

Detailed Program:

15:00 – Welcome
15:30 – Keynote by Prof. Pierre Dersin
16:10 – Expert Group Meetings in breakout rooms (see below)
17:40 – Apéro

Data-driven Value Added for Words, Images and Things

Digital transformation is a defining feature of our epoch.

Abundance of data, immense increase in hardware processing capabilities and breakthroughs in analytics algorithms have made practical some of the visions put forward about three quarters of a century ago. The branch of Artificial Intelligence called Machine Learning, and in particular Deep Learning, permeates image processing, natural language processing ( “ words”) and smart maintenance (‘things’), and furthermore enables rich synergies between those three fields, which span a great deal of human activity, with profound potential impacts—some already visible, on industry, science, the arts and social life.

Natural Language Processing & Big Data Technologies

Everyone is talking about ChatGPT these days and some of its output is truly impressive! We will discuss how the most recent wave of text generation algorithms can transform business, science and teaching. The meeting will feature the following expert talks:

Grounded Copywriting with ChatGPT & Co
by Michael Wechner (Wyona AG) + Colin Carter (Coop Rechtsschutz)
Everyone talks about the pros and cons of ChatGPT, its competitors and how to combine the generated text with grounded knowledge. We will demonstrate how ChatGPT & Co can be applied in insurance and discuss the future of retrieval augmented language models.

Can we Identify Machine-Generated Text? An Overview of Current Approaches
by Anastassia Shaitarova (UZH Institute for Computational Linguistics)

The detection of machine-generated text has become increasingly important due to the prevalence of automated content generation and its potential for misuse. In this talk, we will discuss the motivation for automatic detection of generated text. We will present the currently available methods, including feature-based classification as a “first line-of-defense.” We will provide an overview of the detection tools that have been made available so far and discuss their limitations. Finally, we will reflect on some open problems associated with the automatic discrimination of generated texts.

Using AI to Query the Football World Cup Database in Natural Language
by Kurt Stockinger (ZHAW Institute for Applied Information Technology)

Football is one of the most popular sports on earth with millions of people watching the FIFA world cup. In this talk, we describe how we built a system to query the world cup database in natural language. We explain how we translate natural language into the database query language SQL using modern transformer architecture. We also demonstrate how we have used large language models such as Open AI’s GPT-3 and Google’s T5 to explain how the system interprets users’ questions.

We are looking forward to exchanging opinions, experiences and questions, and to exploring this exciting field together!

Smart Maintenance

The value of condition monitoring data: 5 use cases. 

In this meeting of the Smart Maintenance Expert Group we will hear about successful student projects conducted together with industry partners from various fields. The focus points of the projects are very diverse, ranging from prediction of energy losses, through anomaly detection, fault diagnostics, prediction of the remaining useful life and optimal maintenance scheduling.  We will have 5 short pitch presentations, followed by an interactive discussion of future interest topics of our expert group, including active feedback of all participants.

  • Anomaly Detection in Marine Engines with Convolutional Neural Networks (Company: WinGD)
  • Aircraft Scheduling Optimization based on Prognostics Degradation Models (Company: Swiss International Airlines)
  • Modeling Wake Energy Losses in Wind Farms using Graph Neural Networks (Company: Fluence Energy)
  • Using Error Code Patterns to Predict Service Requests on Production Machines with Machine Learning (Company: Zünd Systemtechnik).
  • Fault Detection in Solar Power Plants using Physics Informed Deep Learning (Company: Fluence Energy)

Smart services for sustainability – circular servitization

With data-driven services, industrial companies can create quantifiable value for their customers, partners and themselves. At the same time, these services also have the potential for ecological benefits, e.g., through optimized processes in operations or logistics. To make this possible, economic and ecological goals must be captured in a targeted and combined manner when designing the services.

The 1.5-hour workshop will discuss how specific problems from everyday business can be systematically addressed to create relevant added value for business and ecology. Participants will bring their own business issue and leave the workshop with a first approach on how to create economic and environmental value through smart services. The workshop will run through typical phases of a project in a compressed time format to give an impression of what such a project might look like on a larger scale.

Spatial Data Analytics

High-quality spatial data is increasingly available for free use. However, with the large amount of data and the sometimes very specific data types and formats, it is challenging to find the appropriate data sources. In addition, some of the data access platforms are only partially intuitive and can be used without expert knowledge. Accordingly, the question arises whether the full potential of the available data base could not be better exploited if data access and data sharing were simplified. In this co-creation workshop, concepts and approaches will be reflected and discussed with representatives from research and industry as well as from cantonal and federal agencies, with the aim of developing possible approaches for joint implementation.

Lunch & Lecture – Brainfood zum Zmittag

Machen Sie sich in der Mittagspause fit für wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse: Diskutieren Sie mit!
Die leckeren Sandwiches und Getränke vom Lilly Jo“ sorgen fürs kulinarische Wohl und sind im Eintrittspreis inbegriffen.
Eine Veranstaltungsreihe in Kooperation mit der Universität Zürich

Innovation Made in Switzerland
Warum ist die Schweiz das innovativste Land der Welt?
Wie schafft es die Schweiz, die Rangliste des Global Innovation Index seit Jahren anzuführen? Eine entscheidende Rolle spielen auf jeden Fall staatliche und kantonale Förderagenturen sowie regionale Denkfabriken. Aber was ist überhaupt eine Innovation und wie wird der Innovationsgrad gemessen? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Idee, einer Erfindung und einer Innovation? Und welche unternehmerischen Voraussetzungen braucht «echte» Innovation?

Dr. Gundula Heinatz Bürki; Managing Director der Data Innovation Alliance Nachhaltigkeit

Leitung und Moderation
Dr. Dana Sindermann, Paulus Akademie
Dr. Reik Leiterer, Universität Zürich


Paulus Akademie, Pfingstweidstrassse 28, 8005 Zürich


CHF 30.- (inkl. Sandwich, Salat und Getränk); CHF 20.- für Mitglieder Gönnerverein, Studierende und Lernende, IV-Bezüger und mit KulturLegi.


Montag, 30.01.2023

Link Programmflyer


2nd European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF)

The goal of the European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF) is to foster the dialogue between researchers working on algorithmic fairness in the context of Europe’s legal and societal framework, especially in light of the EU’s attempts to promote ethical AI. It is thus a space for researchers to discuss fairness in machine learning with an interdisciplinary perspective related to Europe.

The workshop aims to be highly interdisciplinary. This means that it will connect a variety of fields and perspectives including but not limited to mathematical, philosophical, computer science, legal, psychological, sociological, critical studies and management perspectives.

You can learn more about our workshop on our website.

PUBLIC EVENT: Expert Group Meeting – Smart Maintenance Webinar

Dear Colleagues

We would like to invite you to a special “End of the Year” webinar on Friday 16.12.2022 at 14:30. We are delighted to have Dr. Gabriel Michau as our speaker, telling about his research work titled:

Whispering machines: Deep Learning for viable Condition Based Maintenance

Which was recently published in the highly prestigious journal PNAS. The talk description can be found here: Link.

The Speaker: Dr. Gabriel Michau is leading the development of Data-Driven maintenance solutions at Stadler Service AG, piloting end-to-end data-driven projects, from identifying the sensing technology to the optimisation of the existing maintenance strategies. He specialised in the development of innovative deep learning algorithms for the processing of industrial data as Senior Scientist at the ETH Zürich, in the Chair of Intelligent Maintenance Systems. At the ZHAW, he worked on several innovation projects with industrial partners to develop machine learning solutions to specific problems met by the industries. Gabriel holds a joint PhD between the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, in Physics, specialised in convex optimisation and the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, in Traffic Engineering.

You can use the following link to join the webinar: Microsoft Teams Meeting

We hope to see you all there!

Best Regards

Maik, Manuel, Thomas and Lilach,

The Smart Maintenance Expert Group.


HES-SO, the Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie, UNINE, CSEM and Databooster join their forces to support
SMEs. On 19th January 2023 at 16h30, a presentation of the National Thematic Network (NTN)
Innosuisse DataBooster will be organised at Haute Ecole Arc campus, Espace de de l’Europe 11,
2000 Neuchâtel
(Campus 2, Room, 128)

The Innovation Booster is an Innosuisse-founded initiative which brings together the most
important players from science/research, society and industry. Its main mission is to develop
innovation ideas carried out by interdisciplinary teams.

The Innovation Booster is composed of 18 programs. Each Innovation Booster program
targets a specific domain. One of these programs is Databooster which supports innovation
around data-based value creation. Databooster focuses on the design of data-based services for the
industrial and service sectors. Its goal is to combine new methods and technologies in the field of data
science with new business models and service concepts.

Nowadays, companies collect vast amounts of data to extract information/knowledge. This information
is useful to optimise their process, develop new services and/or products.

The main mission of the Databooster is to support SMEs to :

1. identify their business/technology challenges in a competitive innovation environment,
2. shape their innovation idea and get the opportunity to build their first prototype,
3. have access to funding instruments for their research and development programmes.

16:30-16:35 HE-ARC welcome
16:35-16:50 Databooster presentation (by Nabil Abdennadher)
16:50-17:10 2 Databooster use-cases
17:10-17:30 Open discussion
17:30-18:30 Apéro & Networking

If you have any questions, please direct them to Nabil Abdennadher.

Version Française

La HES-SO, la Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie, l’UNINE, le CSEM et Databooster unissent leurs forces
pour accompagner les PMEs. Le 19 Janvier 2023 à 16h30, une présentation du réseau thématique
national (RTN) Innosuisse DataBooster sera organisée à la Haute Ecole Arc, Espace de de l’Europe
11, 2000 Neuchâtel
(Campus 2, salle, 128)

Le Innovation Booster est une initiative financée par Innosuisse. Elle rassemble les acteurs les
plus importants de la science/recherche, de la société et de l’industrie. Sa mission principale est de
développer des idées innovantes portées par des équipes interdisciplinaires.

Le Innovation Booster est composé de 18 programmes. Chaque programme Innovation
Booster cible un domaine spécifique. L’un de ces programmes est appel Databooster. Il
soutient l’innovation en lien avec la création de valeur ajoutée basée sur les données. Databooster se
concentre sur la conception de services basés sur les données et destinés aux secteurs de l’industrie
et des services. Son objectif est de combiner les méthodes et technologies du data science avec de
nouveaux modèles économiques et de nouveaux concepts de services.

De nos jours, les entreprises collectent de grandes quantités de données pour en extraire de de
l’information/connaissance. Celle-ci est utile pour optimiser leur processus, développer de nouvelles
offres de services et/ou produits.

La mission principale du Databooster est d’accompagner les PMEs pour :

1. identifier leurs défis technologues et économiques dans un contexte d’innovation
2. concrétiser leurs idées innovantes et leur offrir l’opportunité de construire leur premier
3. avoir accès à des instruments de financement de leurs programmes de Recherche et

16:30-16:35 Accueil de la HE-ARC
16:35-16:50 Présentation de Databooster (par Nabil Abdennadher)
16:50-17:10 2 Cas d’utilisation de Databooster
17:10-17:30 Discussion ouverte
17:30-18:30 Apéro et réseautage

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez les adresser à Nabil Abdennadher.

Bodensee Summit digital

Ziel des BODENSEE SUMMIT digital ist es, kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) mit Praxisbeispielen aus der internationalen Bodenseeregion aufzuzeigen, wie die Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation und die Einführung von Künstlicher Intelligenz erfolgreich gemeistert und Innovationen hervorgebracht werden können. Bei spannenden Impulsen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft sowie praxisnahen interaktiven Sessions wird neuestes Wissen vermittelt sowie Fragen rund um die Digitalisierung adressiert und mit den Teilnehmer-innen diskutiert.

Der wissenschaftliche Impuls (Universität St. Gallen) sowie sechs interaktive Sessions werden von der Schweizer Seite des Bodenseeraums beigesteuert. Es geht dabei um Themen wie „KI – was kann sie, was kann sie nicht?“, über Möglichkeiten von KI in der Logistik, den profitablen Einsatz einer Blockchain oder „Todsünden“ beim Einsatz von KI. Zudem werden die Unterstützungssysteme Databooster, go Tec! und SmartAR vorgestellt.

Der BODENSEE SUMMIT digital 2022 wird mit der Regierungschefkonferenz der Internationalen Bodensee-Konferenz (IBK) in Herisau (Schweiz) verzahnt. Regierungschefs aus Deutschland, Österreich, Liechtenstein und der Schweiz werden über Rahmenbedingungen für digitale Innovationen aus ihren Ländern berichten.

Die Teilnahme am BODENSEE SUMMIT digital ist kostenfrei. Über die Event-Plattform der virtuellen Veranstaltung können Kontakte geknüpft werden. Nach der Registrierung sind die Profile anderer Veranstaltungsteilnehmerinnen einsehbar. Auf dem Marktplatz kann nach Kooperationsmöglichkeiten gestöbert werden, persönliche virtuelle Treffen können direkt verabredet und durchgeführt werden.

Über den BODENSEE SUMMIT digital

Die jährliche Konferenz bietet Unternehmer*innen, Führungskräften und Innovationsverantwortlichen aller Anrainerländer des Bodensees die Möglichkeit, neues Wissen zu erwerben und sich branchen- und regionsübergreifend auszutauschen und zu vernetzen. Der BODENSEE SUMMIT digital wird im Rahmen der Digitalisierungsinitiative Bodensee von der Internationalen Bodensee-Konferenz (IBK) mit seinen zehn Kantonen, Ländern sowie Bundesländern gefördert und somit in der gesamten Bodenseeregion beworben. Organisator ist das an der HTWG Hochschule Konstanz ansässige Bodenseezentrum Innovation 4.0 (BZI 4.0), Anlaufstelle für KMU in Fragen rund um die digitale Transformation.

Registrierung und weitere Informationen:

Responsible use of health-related data for research – the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN)

As part of the innovation boosters digital health nation and data, powered by Innosuisse, we want to invite you to a webinar about the responsible use of health-related data for research.

The use of sensitive health data in medical research places high demands on data, infrastructures and processes. Thanks to SPHN, a federally commissioned funding initiative, an interoperable and secure data-enabling environment has been created in Switzerland in close collaboration with the five Swiss university hospitals. The goal is to connect researchers with biomedical and routine health care data to promote data-driven research approaches and contribute to making personalized healthcare a reality in Switzerland. With SPHN’s established contractual framework, the network facilitates the responsible use of sensitive health data in strict compliance with ethical and legal principles.

Registration can be found here or you can use the form at the bottom of the page.


Dr Katrin Crameri, Director of the Personalized Health Informatics (PHI) Group of SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and director of the SPHN Data Coordination Center

Dr Julia Maurer, ELSI expert and Scientific Coordination Manager, Personalized Health Informatics (PHI) Group of SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Workshop on flexible working conditions in STEM

At data innovation alliance, we believe that a team performs better when people from different backgrounds work together. This also requires a framework that meets the needs of different groups of employees.

In our first workshop we want to address the concerns of employees who need more flexibility at work (due to family situation, hobbies or other reasons). This large group of people has to deal with unfavorable political conditions in Switzerland (short parental leave, no individual taxation, insufficient offers for external childcare, poor pension schemes for part-time employees). This makes it all the more important for employers to design working conditions that are advantageous for this group. Especially in the STEM sector, the conditions should actually be favorable.

In an opening presentation, Priska Burkard will share experiences from her work promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM. Through her company Techface, Priska is in intensive exchange with women in tech jobs and knows their concerns and challenges.

In the further course of the workshop, we will specifically compare the perspectives of employees and employers and specifically shed light on the topic of re-entry (e.g. after parental leave).

The workshop is in English and aimed at both decision-makers on the employer side (HR, C-level) and affected (or unaffected) employees.

Expert Group: Spatial Data Analytics

Geospatial insights for all – from unique applications to future trends
The Power of Where – this frequently used statement underscores the importance of spatial data and spatial data analytics. All people interested in spatial data are invited to actively participate and/or get an entertaining insight into the world of geospatial data.  Take the opportunity to make new contacts and exchange ideas with experts from industry and research.
In this open event, we will take a tour of your favourite datasets, look at the most unusual and fun applications, and discuss together trends in geospatial data and future challenges. Of course, current infrastructure topics such as low code platforms (GEE & friends), new machine learning concepts and applications (image segmentation, tiny ML & Co) and data creation/access developments (Open Data & GDPR) will not be missed. Intellectual nourishment is guaranteed.

This Expert Group meeting is part of the Expert Day. Please register here.

Smart Maintenance Insights – Dilemma zwischen Wertschöpfung und Wertzerstörung mit Daten

Am 23. November 2022 laden wir Sie sehr herzlich zu unseren Smart Maintenance Insights 2022 ein.

In Zusammenarbeit mit der data innovation alliance veranstaltet Easyfairs zum zweiten Mal einen Online-Event kostenfrei.

Rund um das Fokusthema “Dilemma zwischen Wertschöpfung und Wertzerstörung mit Daten” erwarten Sie vier hochwertige Referate, welche Wissenschaft und Praxis zusammenbringen.

Bringen Sie sich auf das smarte Level und reservieren Sie sich einen kostenlosen Platz an unserer Online-Session vom 23. November 2022 von 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr.

Die Registration finden Sie unter diesem Link: Smart Maintenance Conference