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Schlagwort: Public Event

Service Lunch mit SBB

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16. Mai 2019
11.45h – 13.15h
ZHAW Zurich, Lagerstr. 41 (next to Zurich HB)
Room ZL E0.11

Volle Züge und schlechte Kundeninformation! Zwei sich stets wiederholende Kritiken, welche an die SBB gerichtet werden. Die SBB versucht, mit mehreren Projekten diesen Kritiken zu begegnen. Das Projekt «wagenscharfe Belegungsprognose» ist ein Beispiel, wie mit intelligentem Einsatz von Daten ein Service entwickelt wurde, der sowohl zu einer Verbesserung der Auslastung wie auch der Kundeninformation führt und zusätzlich Millionen an Investitionen ins Rollmaterial spart.

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Brown Bag Lunch (Verpflegung bitte selber mitbringen)

Organisiert wird diese Veranstaltung von der Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services, einem von Innosuisse geförderten nationalen thematischen Netzwerk.
Weitere Informationen über die Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services:

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Euro-CASE Conference 2018

Euro-CASE Conference 2018: How AI will shape our future

Organiser: SATW

Date: 24.09.2018

Venue: Swiss Re, Rueschlikon

Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing ever more powerful. An increasing number of countries support R&D in this field with considerable funding. Several nations have published AI strategies or established government bodies dedicated to fostering the technology. However, the world’s biggest tech companies are leading this field driving not only large societal change but also creating an increasing concentration of power. How does that affect us? What can we do in Europe, and particularly in Switzerland, to compete successfully in this promising field?

At this year’s Euro-CASE conference you will learn about the driving forces for AI innovation. Recognized experts will present cutting-edge developments in AI research and some of the latest AI-based services and business applications. Learn about the hottest topics in machine learning, discover what is happening at Google AI, and what neuroscience thinks about AI. Find out how to apply AI in your business and how to get from automated to autonomous. Finally, we will tackle the ethical challenges and you will be able to discuss with our panelists how AI will shape our future. The 2018 Euro-CASE conference brings together outstanding individuals in the field of AI. Join us for a day fully dedicated to AI and its impact at large. We are looking forward to welcoming you.


Can Algorithms be Fair?

Date & time: Dec 11, 17:00-18:30.

Location: University of Zurich (see attached flyer)

Arguably the most important consequence of a society producing zillions of data is the possibility of using these data to generate new predictive models and improve existing ones.

The models defined in this way however reflect the human biases and unjust social structures in the data used to train the models. In other words, discrimination and unfairness can be transmitted through the most common machine learning algorithms to statistical models or decision-making rules impacting the lives of citizens. On the other hand, some computer scientists claim to have developed machine learning algorithms that can guarantee that the models will be free of bias, non-discriminatory, or fair. In this workshop we present and discuss some of these approaches together with current attempts by companies to deal with the problem.

Join us at this public event to get key insights from our renowned invited speakers. Find more information here.

The event will have two keynote speakers: Bart Custers  is an internationally renowned expert in Algorithmic bias. Matthias Spielkamp is the Executive Director of AlgorithmicWatch, this is a new German NonProfit organization which focuses on social and ethical aspects on algorithmic decision making.

Please send a short e-mail to, if you would like to participate in the event, so that they can estimate the number of guests for the subsequent apero.

Link to event page.

(There will be an internal Data Ethics Expert Group meeting preceding this event with invited guests and group members. However, members of the Alliance who are interested in joining this meeting please contact Prof. Christoph Heitz for more information.)

Big Data: Visualisation & Enjeux

Big Data: Visualisation & Enjeux

by Virtual Switzerland + Swiss Alliance for Data-intensive Services


Mon 25 June 2018, 17:00 – 20:00 CEST

Université de Fribourg

Boulevard de Pérolles 90

PER B205 – Hall A130

1700 Fribourg


The event will be an opportunity to attend presentations from Big Data and Visualization professionals, and to network for potential joint projects with industry and academic representative.

Program and registration are available here.

Digital Week 2018

Building on the success of the three conferences Smart Maintenance, Konferenz Perspektiven mit Industrie 4.0Artificial Intelligence in Industry & Finance and Smart Service Summit, we are extending to a comprehensive „Winterthurer Digitalwoche“. The three conferences will be embedded in a coherent framework programme provided by the Data+Service Alliance. In this enlarged context, we want to push further ahead services based on digitization and data science across the boundaries of industry sectors and scientific domains, thus providing leading edge knowledge and inspiration to both industry and science.

CANVAS-Workshop “Cybersecurity Challenges in the Government Sphere”

The Horizon 2020 CANVAS project investigates ethical aspects of cybersecurity. In our upcoming workshop, international experts will discuss ethical, legal and technical aspects when state actors enforce or undermine cybersecurity. Topics of discussion are:

– Active countermeasures, attribution & retaliation

– Vulnerabilities, Zero Day exploits, backdoors and a states right to access protected information in the cyberspace

– Cyber Peace

The workshop takes place on September 5-6 in Bern, Switzerland. Experts interested in these topics are invited to attend free of charge; registration is required.

More background and information how to register can be found in the attached flyer or here.

We look forward for meeting you in Bern.

Data Analytics: Creating Value in Practice

Organised by PwC

19.09.2018, 16:00 – 18:00

Venue: Le Musée Olympique, Lausanne

(This event will take place in French language.)

Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence are revolutionizing value creation, innovation processes and digital transformation. How can you apply to your business the procedures that make Google and Amazon successful? Swiss Alliance for Data Intensive Services and we are delighted to invite you to a practical seminar.

We will welcome as speakers three experts who will share their knowledge and experience:

Matthias Leybold, Cognitive Automation & NLP, PwC Switzerland, shows how the pace of digitization forces companies to analyze and exploit their data if they want to continue to prosper in the future. One way to anchor data analysis in all processes and at all levels of activity is to establish a Data & Analytics Center of Excellence. Matthias Leybold explains how he did it for PwC.

Silvia Quarteroni, Senior Manager, Elca Informatics Ltd., is analyzing how more and more companies are using virtual assistants developed for the customer database to effectively communicate with their customers and can offer better customer service. It immerses itself in the world of data analysis and artificial intelligence and shows the latest technologies and possibilities, but also the dangers and pitfalls.

Michel Bernard, Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services (formerly Google), explains how machine learning and artificial intelligence are applied in the most varied sectors and how new services can be developed using data. It shows you successes, ongoing projects and visions for the future.

After the presentations, you can experience first-hand digital innovation on our booths. Send us your questions at the same time as your registration. We discuss how your business can benefit from Data Analytics and innovative technologies.

Click here to register for the event!

Innovation and Cyber Security

On June 14, 2018, Innosuisse and the Israeli Innovation Agency “Israeli Innovation Authority” will meet for an exchange. The public part of the event takes place from 14.00 – 17.30 on the Gurten in Bern and revolves around the topic “Innovation & Cyber Security”.

On behalf of Innosuisse, we are pleased to invite you for this occasion. You may also forward the invitation to interested parties – especially companies in your network. You will find the program in the appendix and on the website at

Find the details here.

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